This is the original soundtrack for To The Rescue!, composed by Joseph Williams. It features 14 total tracks, 13 from the game and one bonus track, “Cooper’s Waltz,” which is only available on this release. Songs are available as MP3 and FLAC.
If you’ve played To the Rescue!, these tracks are a...
This is the original soundtrack for To The Rescue!, composed by Joseph Williams. It features 14 total tracks, 13 from the game and one bonus track, “Cooper’s Waltz,” which is only available on this release. Songs are available as MP3 and FLAC.
If you’ve played To the Rescue!, these tracks are a great way to remember your adventures taking care of all those adorable pups. If you haven’t, the tracks are mostly lighthearted pop and jazz instrumentals, designed to energize and bring a bit of joy. They’ll have you bopping around to whatever tasks life throws at you, dog-related or not.
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