Tiger-Heli marked a revolutionary moment in 1985 as Toaplan's pioneering bomb-based vertical shooter, a true innovator of its time. Despite its unassuming appearance, its lifelike gameplay resonated with fans, earning widespread acclaim in Japan and around the g...
Tiger-Heli marked a revolutionary moment in 1985 as Toaplan's pioneering bomb-based vertical shooter, a true innovator of its time. Despite its unassuming appearance, its lifelike gameplay resonated with fans, earning widespread acclaim in Japan and around the globe. Its legacy lived on through Twin Cobra, released just two years later, and even today it remains a cherished gem among retro gaming enthusiasts worldwide.
"Under the relentless onslaught of a war-mongering nation, we face a dire and final stand at sunrise. These fanatics are resolute in their mission to conquer all they encounter, and thus far, they have triumphed in this brutal conflict."
Experience the game that laid the foundation for vertical bomb-shooters, a timeless piece of retro gaming gold.
Collect various items and power-ups to bolster your arsenal, including health, cluster bombs, and nimble mini-jetcopters to secure victory.
Hunt for bonus points by targeting hidden spots and blazing race cars. Keep your eyes peeled to make sure you don't miss a thing!
Minimal Input Lag: Emulation, input processing, and rendering all complete on the same frame.
Quick Save using F1-F10, Reload with Shift+ F1-F10
Online leaderboards for Single Credit, No Assist, and Assisted plays.
Instrument panels with extra gameplay information and artwork.
Rewind the game between 10-18 minutes, depending on the action.
Capture sharable replays to immortalize your interstellar victories (or funny moments).
Assist Features such as auto-fire at multiple rates.
Very Easy Mode: Lower the difficulty to breeze through the adventure.
Pixel perfect or full-screen scaling in windowed or full-screen mode.
Rotate the gameplay in 90-degree increments.
Hone your skills in the ultra customizable practice mode!
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