Listen to the score that draws inspiration from the culturally and ethnically diverse landscape of early XX-century Warsaw. The Thaumaturge original soundtrack, created by Agnieszka Wlazły and Sebastian Syczyński, consists of 25 atmospheric tracks in MP3 and WAV formats. OST also includes wallpapers...
Listen to the score that draws inspiration from the culturally and ethnically diverse landscape of early XX-century Warsaw. The Thaumaturge original soundtrack, created by Agnieszka Wlazły and Sebastian Syczyński, consists of 25 atmospheric tracks in MP3 and WAV formats. OST also includes wallpapers.
Warsaw 1905 AD was a place where different cultures and social classes intertwined with each other and the OST from The Thaumaturge is a perfect tribute to that. Imagine both lavish high society ball halls as well as dark corners of the city where crime is ever-present. Both dark and a bit discreet, this music will take you to the world where history meets otherworldly mystery.
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