Textorcising demons out of people demands a lot of special tools: a bible, a balding shiny head, a rosary with hearts carved on it… but the most important thing you should never forget when facing the armies of Satan is A RAGING HEAD BANGER INTO YOUR EARS!
Behold textorcists! The Village DLC comes...
Textorcising demons out of people demands a lot of special tools: a bible, a balding shiny head, a rosary with hearts carved on it… but the most important thing you should never forget when facing the armies of Satan is A RAGING HEAD BANGER INTO YOUR EARS!
Behold textorcists! The Village DLC comes with new tunes you can blast your speakers with, composed by the great synthwave artist Carbon Killer!
Do God’s Will and kick the demons out of your house by putting fire into your audio-out!
The Textorcists: The Village DLC Original Soundtrack comes with six tracks:
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