The full version of The Longest Road on Earth is available on You can purchase it
“Hey I know we haven’t talked in a while…”Stories for the road
Play through four chapters that capture the essence of everyday life and skip through the snapshots of moments both meaning...
Windows 7, Intel Core i3-7100, AMD FX-8100 or equivalent, 4 GB RAM, Intel UHD 630, Geforce GTX 275...
The full version of The Longest Road on Earth is available on You can purchase it
“Hey I know we haven’t talked in a while…”
Stories for the road
Play through four chapters that capture the essence of everyday life and skip through the snapshots of moments both meaningful and mundane. Take time to experience the beauty in the small things like blowing a dandelion, picking up seashells and riding a bike. There’s no context given in these chapters, you won’t know these characters or their stories, but you can experience moments of time with them and create your interpretations.
“We’re running out of time…”
Songs for the road
An original intimate soundtrack with themes and lyrics that seek the serenity and simplicity of what is known by all of us. Feelings, emotions, situations and perceptions that aren't extraordinary yet define us as human beings, our stories, and how we share our lives with each other.
Each ticket to ride on The Longest Road on Earth includes the soundtrack so you can take the experience with you on your journey.
Experiences for the road
In The Longest Road on Earth there's no challenge that tarnishes the experience, no fail-states to punish you. Players of all ages, levels of ability and backgrounds can take part in the experience with simple controls and a relaxed pace.
“Hey, is it ok if we go back in time to that night…”
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