“Remember, the meek shall inherit nothing.” - The Book of Cataclysm
Congratulations on becoming our newest EuroCorp Executive! You now hold the distinctive honor of being one of the few who will determine the shape of our Company. Your EX-ALFA3 clearance allows you to use the Marionette Remote Dron...
“Remember, the meek shall inherit nothing.” - The Book of Cataclysm
Congratulations on becoming our newest EuroCorp Executive! You now hold the distinctive honor of being one of the few who will determine the shape of our Company. Your EX-ALFA3 clearance allows you to use the Marionette Remote Drone Operation Suite. Your squad of Agents will follow every order without fail or question, and you are free to eliminate or destroy any targets as you see fit. This will serve you well as those zealots of the Church of the New Epoch think they can compete against our Company. Your mission is to remove them completely. To that end, we have transferred 50,000 EuroCorp credits to your account. Failure to use your funds wisely or to eliminate the competition will require you to auto-euthanize. We feel confident that your skills and integrity will ensure that this state of affairs will never arise.
The EuroCorp Board of Directors
Welcome to an urban hell of ultra-violent mayhem. Welcome to Syndicate Wars where you’ll take control of a squad of cybernetically enhanced Agents and wreak havoc on the enemy. Funnel money towards research that will allow you to upgrade your team and make them into more efficient killing machines. Use the environment to assassinate, destroy, and eliminate your targets all from a classic isometric perspective. If you need cannon fodder, why not set your Agents loose armed with Persuadertrons to control huge crowds, or even enemy agents, and get them to do the dirty work for you? So whether you’re keeping EuroCorp in the black or burning infidels for the New Epoch, Syndicate Wars will have you giddily carving a path to victory. Welcome to the merciless future of violent squad-based real-time tactics!
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