Dieses Spiel enthält nicht jugendfreie Inhalte, die nur für die Altersgruppe 17+ geeignet sind
Indem du unten auf "Weiter" klickst, bestätigst du, dass du 17 Jahre oder älter bist.
Zurück zu den AngebotenStill Joking is:
We have:
The Story:
Reflections always do the exact same thing we do. They are forced to repeat all the morning routines, all the self-affirmations and funny faces, and sometimes even the death of their prototype.
So what happens after? How do they deal with it?
Play as Iris, a reflection of the famous actress murdered in front of the mirror. Torn away from usual life, you’re at a turning point where decisions must be made, and they will shape you.
Embrace the sudden journey through the void accompanied by your inner voice and many other distinct characters.
Do it on purpose, do it unintentionally, or just don’t at all.
Be loved, be lonely and yet never alone. Joke, and then joke some more.
Welcome onboard!
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