Save the Colony! Your staff are brawling, the Harvester Robot is happily chain sawing its way through the oxygen supply, and small, furry, and troublesome aliens have conquered the disco. Welcome home! Each of your colonists has a mind of their own so remember the golden rule: a happy colonist is a...
Save the Colony! Your staff are brawling, the Harvester Robot is happily chain sawing its way through the oxygen supply, and small, furry, and troublesome aliens have conquered the disco. Welcome home! Each of your colonists has a mind of their own so remember the golden rule: a happy colonist is a productive colonist. Ignore them and their needs and they’ll pick fights, argue, and even get depressed. Nurture them, however, and they will work hard for you, become friends, and maybe even fall in love!
You’ve mastered building simulated life on Earth. Let’s see how you do with the rest of the galaxy. Welcome to Space Colony, where your life is in the hands of an unruly group of fellow space rejects. With over 100 buildings at your disposal, it’s up to you to build a colony that meets all the colonists’ needs and keeps them safe and happy. So before you shell out all your credits on iron extraction and space chicken production to bring in the cash, remember, that without a gym, a sauna, or a half-decent restaurant, nobody’s going to want to work for you!
Learn diplomacy or charge up the shields. Contact with 20 alien races will give you plenty of opportunities to decide.
Inspire your crew to work in harmony and watch productivity increase. Make them unhappy, and you’d better post a guard at the reactor.
Increase your wealth and power by mining and selling minerals, or use your resources to create items to improve your colony.
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