Shattered Steel takes place in a desolate future where humanity is on the verge of extinction. The Core Wars, waged by rival factions for natural resources - and ultimately survival - left society in ruins. Massive industrial conglomerates deploy mechanized mercenary armies to maintain a tenuous ord...
Shattered Steel takes place in a desolate future where humanity is on the verge of extinction. The Core Wars, waged by rival factions for natural resources - and ultimately survival - left society in ruins. Massive industrial conglomerates deploy mechanized mercenary armies to maintain a tenuous order. You're a hotshot runner pilot. You've neutralized hundreds of pirates and rival ops on over 22 worlds. Your weapon is the lethal Planet Runner which can navigate any terrain and strike with devastating firepower. You mission is to cleanse the planet from alien forces and restore order.
Save your species as you engage in fast-paced mechanized combat in the single-player campaign containing 50 adrenaline-pounding missions and arm your Planet Runner with blazing firepower - over 25 armaments, including gatling guns, guided missiles, fuel-air mortars and plasma cannons.
Become a mech pilot and fight off mysterious alien invaders
Various mission types from search and destroy to escorting convoys
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