Buy Schizm: Mysterious Journey and receive 10% discount on Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III
You are about to embark on an incredible adventure.
Several exploration attempts of Argilus have failed to reveal the secrets behind it's mysterious abandoned condition.
Previous exploration teams had rep...
You are about to embark on an incredible adventure.
Several exploration attempts of Argilus have failed to reveal the secrets behind it's mysterious abandoned condition.
Previous exploration teams had reported unusual findings, prior to them mysteriously going missing themselves. Their garbled messages speak of a world containing large habitable organic vessels aimlessly floating, and abandoned. These messages are the only legacy that remains of a missing race.
Now you must travel to the strange and exotic lands of Argilus, on a quest to uncover the secrets behind a strange phenomenon. Here you will discover the mysteries and the secrets that, until now, have been lying dormant waiting to be revealed.
Embrace the challenge and allow your instincts and ingenuity to help you unlock the ultimate mystery.
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