What a thrill and an honor to return to the World of Vespuccia with Rosewater, marking my second collaboration with developer Francisco González. I had the incredible chance to revisit some themes from Lamplight City, but also to explore a whole lot of new territory with the game’s Western genre and...
What a thrill and an honor to return to the World of Vespuccia with Rosewater, marking my second collaboration with developer Francisco González. I had the incredible chance to revisit some themes from Lamplight City, but also to explore a whole lot of new territory with the game’s Western genre and setting. And if the genre pivot from Detective Mystery to Western wasn’t any indication, Francisco did not “play it safe” with this one. He pushed himself to his limits with higher resolution art, a massive script, and a cast of top-tier union voice actors – all a huge inspiration for me to spare no effort or expense on the music side.
And thanks to the effort of an amazing cast of musicians, I’ve got a score that I’m proud to call my own take on what a Western can sound like. From a Golden-Age-style fanfare to a Spaghetti Western-esque duel, it’s a dream come true to hear these tracks brought to life by real players. I’m so grateful to them all for their performances, and to Francisco for trusting me with such a massive undertaking and taking me on an adventure of a lifetime.
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