Relive the hype of the game’s rides and the emotional whirlwind of Zoe and Kaito’s journey.
You’ll find in this collection soundtracks that can be heard as you venture throughout White Sands and beyond! Including the song exclusively composed by The Midnight for Road 96: Mile 0: “Land Locked Heart”...
Relive the hype of the game’s rides and the emotional whirlwind of Zoe and Kaito’s journey.
You’ll find in this collection soundtracks that can be heard as you venture throughout White Sands and beyond! Including the song exclusively composed by The Midnight for Road 96: Mile 0: “Land Locked Heart” as well as original creations and mixes. Some of those tracks are produced by local artists such as Arslan Elbar, Alexis Laugier and Jean-Claude Charlier.
Whether you want to experience the thrill of the game’s action sequences again, project yourself in Zoe’s teenage years or listen back to what accompanied the heart-wrenching moments of the game, this is the collection for you.
[3:23] The Midnight - Land Locked Heart
[2:38] Alex Arcoleo - Kaito Love Theme
[2:55] Arslan Elbar - Lost in Aya's Memory
[2:43] Dave James & Keith Beauvais & Sulene Fleming - The Tyrax Happy Endings
[3:28] Pete Masitti & John Andrew Barrow - Shamisen Chikara
[4:09] Jean Claude Charlier - 1986 Trauma
[2:20] Kalax - The other side
[2:27] Arslan Elbar - Ten More Years of Tyrak
[5:39] Jean Claude Charlier - Partners in Crime
[2:38] Alexis Laugier - Colton Lullaby
[3:29] Alexis Laugier - Time to escape
[1:58] Arslan Elbar - Final Fight
[3:30] Will Cookson - Zoe alone In the dark
[1:30] Arslan Elbar - Bonus Track Petria National Anthem
Road 96: Mile 0 is a trademark from Digixart Entertainment. Published by PLAION GmbH. Ravenscourt is a division of Koch Media GmbH, Austria. All rights reserved.
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