Reverie Knights Tactics is coming soon and can be wishlisted here
Reverie Knights Tactics: Prologue takes you on a journey to a hand-drawn fantasy world, where you guide your heroes through the first hour of the upcoming tactical RPG. The Prologue version introduces you to the game’s story and inc...
Windows 7/8/10 64-bit, Intel Core i5-3570K, 4 GB RAM, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, Version 9.0c, 9 GB...
Reverie Knights Tactics is coming soon and can be wishlisted here
Reverie Knights Tactics: Prologue takes you on a journey to a hand-drawn fantasy world, where you guide your heroes through the first hour of the upcoming tactical RPG. The Prologue version introduces you to the game’s story and includes three battles, as well as item crafting and character customization.
Embark on an expedition to find Lennorien, the long lost elvian city to save your loved ones, while fighting the goblin menace that spread terror across the continent!
Lead your party of heroes, each one with distinct, special abilities and skills, allowing you to use multiple battle strategies to defeat your enemies.
Discover a fantasy world featuring deep map and scenario exploration in an epic adventure, visual novel style!
Craft new items and accessories from the treasures you collect and use them as tactical advantage every time you configure your characters.
Key Features of the Prologue:
Beautiful Hand Drawn Art: Meticulous multilayer artwork from pencil sketch to full detail color.
Decision-driven Storyline: Make decisions through your quest, affecting the story and other characters` reactions.
Character Customization: Customize character`s performance attributes, skills, and accessories for heightened abilities!
Item Crafting: Collect powerful items as you explore the world and discover combinations to create new items.
Battle Phases: React to your opponent's strategy and come up with the perfect tactic every turn, challenging you to think ahead.
Interactive Battle Scenarios: Manipulate parts of the battle environments, and use scenario effects to your advantage!
Multiple Battle Grids: Each battle contains a different isometric grid, making every battle an unique experience.
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