"This is a story about death and coffee."
Inspired equally by film and anime, Necrobarista is a unique take on the visual novel medium. Follow a dynamic and diverse cast of characters as they navigate Melbourne's hipstery coffee culture, the questionable ethics of necromancy, and the process of l...
Inspired equally by film and anime, Necrobarista is a unique take on the visual novel medium. Follow a dynamic and diverse cast of characters as they navigate Melbourne's hipstery coffee culture, the questionable ethics of necromancy, and the process of letting go.
Stylized, fully 3D cinematic presentation that draws from anime aesthetics.
Soundtrack by Kevin Penkin, BAFTA-winning composer for Florence, Made in Abyss, and Norn9.
Delve into the world of the Terminal and fantasy Melbourne through free-roaming first-person scenes.
Featuring goon-sack robots, alchemical coffee, and Australian folk hero Ned Kelly.
Support for fourteen languages, including Korean, Arabic, and Russian.
"You know how, sometimes, games look so good you just want to eat them? You want to print out all the screenshots in glorious, glossy photo paper, and just put them into your mouth? You know that feeling? Yeah, that’s how I feel about upcoming visual novel game Necrobarista." - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
"It looks like what would happen if Persona took over a coffee shop, which is to say, stylish as heck." - Kotaku
"It’s full of dramatic pauses, sassy dialogue, and a lot of mystery" - Gamespot
"Stellar art design and a compelling cast of characters round out the title, and a dark, synthy soundtrack ties it all together." - Paste Magazine
"This is the most Melbourne game imaginable." - Kotaku
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