RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.


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DRM-FREI. Keine Aktivierung oder Internetverbindung zum Spielen erforderlich.
Sicherheit und Zufriedenheit. Kundendienst rund um die Uhr und volle Rückerstattungen für bis zu 30 Tage.
 KeeperRL is an ambitious dungeon simulator with roguelike and RPG elements. Take the role of an evil wizard and study the methods of black magic. Equip your minions and explore the world, murder innocent villagers and burn their homes. Build your dungeon, lay traps and prepare for an assault of ang...
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{{ review.content.title }}
Details zum Produkt
2024, Electric Succubi, ...
Windows 10, Dual Core CPU - 2.4GHz, 4 GB RAM, 1 GB available space...
KeeperRL Official Soundtrack
20 hHauptspiel
50 h Hauptspiel + Nebenquests
100 h Komplettist
53 h Alle Spielstile


KeeperRL is an ambitious dungeon simulator with roguelike and RPG elements. Take the role of an evil wizard and study the methods of black magic. Equip your minions and explore the world, murder innocent villagers and burn their homes. Build your dungeon, lay traps and prepare for an assault of angry heroes. 

When you control your minions the game changes into a classic roguelike, with turn-based and very tactical combat. You can also play as an adventurer and assault dungeons made by you or other players.

Dungeon management

You will dig deep into the mountain and build dozens of rooms, corridors and traps. Your minions will train and produce weapons and armor. Prisoners will be tortured. You will research new technologies like alchemy, beast mutation and sorcery.



Develop your base across multiple floors by digging down into the earth or building up. Build fantastic dungeon designs or elaborate castles and towers.

Roguelike mechanics

The world is simulated on a very detailed level. Creatures use equipment and consumable items. There are dozens of special items, spells, attributes and special attacks. You can cut off heads and limbs and blind or poison your enemies. If you're not careful with fire, you can burn an entire forest or even your own dungeon.

Large, procedurally generated maps


KeeperRL features a large, procedurally generated world. Explore dozens of locations, from small cottages and shops to major enemies dwelling in castles and dungeons. Uncover secrets, bring back great loot and prisoners back to your base in order to grow in power.

Multiple playable factions


Play as a: 

  • Dark wizard researching black magic. 
  • White knight specialized in horses and angelic beings. 
  • Necromancer who crafts undead from the body parts of fallen enemies. 
  • Fragile colony of twelve dwarves. 
  • Goblin king searching for his lost wives. 
  • Collective of gnomes with a mechanized army. 
  • Lone adventurer focused on exploration.

Online map sharing

KeeperRL offers the ability to download dungeons made by other players from Steam Workshop, and places them on your world map as enemies. See how others design their fortresses, fight with their minions, and steal their loot! After winning the game, you'll have the option to share your dungeon online as well.

Warum bei GOG.COM kaufen?
DRM-FREI. Keine Aktivierung oder Internetverbindung zum Spielen erforderlich.
Sicherheit und Zufriedenheit. Kundendienst rund um die Uhr und volle Rückerstattungen für bis zu 30 Tage.
20 hHauptspiel
50 h Hauptspiel + Nebenquests
100 h Komplettist
53 h Alle Spielstile
Läuft auf:
Windows (10, 11), Linux (Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04), Mac OS X (10.12+)
{{'2024-02-29T00:00:00+02:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0200 ' }}
184 MB


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