JANITOR BLEEDS is a retro-inspired horror game set in an old arcade. A mysterious arcade machine called JANITOR beckons you to play itself, releasing a horrible force upon the player. The only way to survive is to keep playing, but the further you go, the more the events of the arcade game st...
JANITOR BLEEDS is a retro-inspired horror game set in an old arcade. A mysterious arcade machine called JANITOR beckons you to play itself, releasing a horrible force upon the player. The only way to survive is to keep playing, but the further you go, the more the events of the arcade game start to influence the real world. When your eyes are glued to the screen, who knows what might be happening right behind your back?
Explore a mysterious arcade: The dark corners and hallways hide many secrets. Collect coins and items to progress in the game and most importantly, keep yourself alive. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an amusement arcade from the 90s, abandoned long ago.
Cursed arcade cabinet: Playing the coin-hungry machine affects more than it seems. Solve puzzles and open paths in both the arcade game and the real world to progress in the game. Just remember; the evil within the machine won't make things easy.
Retro-inspired: The game is inspired by the video games of the 90s. The game hasn't been made to look like a carbon copy; instead, it has been inspired by the visual style of that nostalgic era of gaming and has brought it to the modern standards.
Developed by Korpus, Published by Bonus Stage Publishing, All logos are trademarks of Korpus, registered in Finland and other countries. JANITOR BLEEDS is a trademark of Korpus and may be registered in Finland and other countries. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Häufige Erfolge
Let There Be Light
Find the flashlight.
Afternoon at Hemo's
Enter the arcade.
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