Something is lurking in the shadows...
INMOST, by Lithuania-based indie studio Hidden Layer Games, is an emotional and deeply atmospheric narrative-driven puzzle platformer. Uncover the story of an adventurous young girl, a stoic knight and a man in search of answers.
Explore a crumbling...
INMOST, by Lithuania-based indie studio Hidden Layer Games, is an emotional and deeply atmospheric narrative-driven puzzle platformer. Uncover the story of an adventurous young girl, a stoic knight and a man in search of answers.
Explore a crumbling, nightmarish landscape, slice through enemies, and spring deadly traps in order to escape the evil that awaits…
**INMOST is an intimate story of loss and hope that some may find upsetting. Player discretion is advised.**
Venture through a hauntingly atmospheric pixel art world
3 main characters, each with their own unique gameplay styles
Lure enemies into lethal traps, solve environmental puzzles and utilise your scythe, hookshot and pickaxe to avoid a gruesome end!
Discover a 3-5 hour emotional story, intended to be played in a single-sitting on a dark, stormy night
Explore every nook and cranny to find secret passages and collectibles
Featuring the vocal talents of Andrew Dennis and Cassandra Lee Morris
Playable in 14 languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Simplified and Traditional Chinese
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