Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is an epic fantasy adventure and role-playing game by Lori Ann Cole and Corey Cole, creators of Quest for Glory, Shannara, Castle of Dr. Brain, and Mixed-Up Fairy Tales. Although Hero-U is not a direct sequel to the Quest for Glory games, it features the same mix of adven...
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is an epic fantasy adventure and role-playing game by Lori Ann Cole and Corey Cole, creators of Quest for Glory, Shannara, Castle of Dr. Brain, and Mixed-Up Fairy Tales. Although Hero-U is not a direct sequel to the Quest for Glory games, it features the same mix of adventure, role-playing, humor, and immersive storytelling that we introduced in that series.
In Rogue to Redemption, Shawn O'Conner strives to become Rogue of the Year while exploring a mysterious castle, making friends and enemies, fighting deadly foes, and uncovering the secrets of his own hidden past. Meanwhile players will enjoy the rich and humorous dialogue and descriptions as they guide Shawn through his adventures.
During the day, Shawn attends classes at the University, practices his skills, and tries to make friends with other students. At night, it's time to pull out weapons, armor, and traps to explore the abandoned wine cellars, stunning sea caves, creepy catacombs, and deadly dungeon beneath Hero-U. Most combat is optional for those who prefer a pure adventure game, but there are ample rewards for those who choose to valorously fight the creatures that threaten the school and all of Sardonia.
Story and Character-Driven Adventure Game
Role-Playing Game Featuring Skills, Equipment, and Tactical Combat
Replayable with thousands of player choices and story variations
Turn-Based, Non-Twitch, Avoidable Combat
Seamless Blend of Dramatic Story and Comedy
Created by Acclaimed Game Designers Lori and Corey Cole
Soundtrack by Award-Winning Composer Ryan Grogan
Gorgeous 3D environments and 2D vignettes by John Paul Selwood and our talented art team
Immersive Mini-Games and Challenging Stealth Gameplay
First of a Series of Games Set at the Hero University
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption (R) is a register trademark of Transolar Games, Inc. Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Transolar Games, Inc.
Häufige Erfolge
Became a student at Hero-U
student handbook
technical manual
The Bestiary of Hero-U
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