Dieses Spiel enthält nicht jugendfreie Inhalte, die nur für die Altersgruppe 18+ geeignet sind
Indem du unten auf "Weiter" klickst, bestätigst du, dass du 18 Jahre oder älter bist.
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Children pay karma for the sins of their parents,
born to bear a contorted cross.
Tokyo—2 AM, the witching hour.
Under the new moon, two identical girls face off.
Their improvised weapons look out of place in their hands.
Behind them stand two strange men, garbed all in black.
What do these men want? What are these girls’ dreams?
And what is it they're fighting for?
Gather round, now, don't be shy!
It's a dark festival beneath a black sky...
So, candles out—let's start the bout!
Kikyo Hirosoma
(Voice: Shiho Nakaya)
Shinku Hirosoma’s “older” sister. Gentle, calm, naive and easy-going.
She is on bad terms with Shinku.
Shinku Hirosoma
(Voice: Naho Nakaya)
Kikyo Hirosoma’s “older” sister. Always wears an irritated expression.
She is on bad terms with Kikyo.
Awasumi Yamaga
(Voice: Pile Bunker)
A suspicious man wrapped in bandages with old-fashioned speech.
Surprisingly, he may be quite capable with household chores...
Closely acquainted with Tsukishiro.
Tsukishiro Tsukishiro
(Voice: Mikado Sumeragi)
A suspicious man with long hair who works at night. He seems to be clumsy with household chores...
Closely acquainted with Awasumi.
Contains occasional crude humor. All love interests are 18 years of age or older.
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