The FoxTail soundtrack will tell you about the adventures of the young fox Leah and will help you to know all the story’s characters and the atmosphere of each chapter even better.
As part of the early access, you will have 40 minutes of music to listen to. There are 24 tracks from the first thre...
The FoxTail soundtrack will tell you about the adventures of the young fox Leah and will help you to know all the story’s characters and the atmosphere of each chapter even better.
As part of the early access, you will have 40 minutes of music to listen to. There are 24 tracks from the first three chapters on the album. All of them were composed and produced by Vlad Plotnikov (VP Production).
And remember: there is still a long way to go and a lot of new music ahead! It means that after the game is fully released, you will get the tracks from all eight chapters.
Each character and corner of the fantastic FoxTail world sounds in its way, and now this sound will always be with you!
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