Slice through the dark and own the night in your Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, the first operational aircraft to utilize stealth technology in its design. This isn’t your typical attack fighter, you’ll be flying sorties under the cover of night, avoiding detection by enemy radar and striking high-value...
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (co...
Slice through the dark and own the night in your Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, the first operational aircraft to utilize stealth technology in its design. This isn’t your typical attack fighter, you’ll be flying sorties under the cover of night, avoiding detection by enemy radar and striking high-value targets with precision weaponry. You’ll want to haunt the battlefield like a ghost, menacing the enemy with earth-shattering ordnance before vanishing in your airborne apparition as suddenly as you appeared.
With a hardcore devotion to authenticity, F-117A brings you unprecedented night combat action. You’ll go through every phase of mission planning, from requesting a specific assignment during briefing to choosing your own munitions during armament, before then climbing into your cockpit and experiencing the thrill of dropping 1,000 lbs. of laser-guided destruction on enemy troops, tanks and bunkers. This is your chance to fly one of the most technologically impressive warplanes ever made.
Choose to fly either the U.S. standard issue Lockheed F-117A, with fully accurate weapon loadouts and realistic flight model, or a fictional MicroProse version that adds more destructive firepower and makes dogfighting more intense.
Fly your way through a diverse range of campaigns set in real-world “hot spots”: Cuba, North Korea, Kuwait, Central Europe, the North Cape, Libya, the Persian Gulf, Vietnam and the Middle East.
Unparalleled level of authenticity thanks to historically based scenarios from the Persian Gulf War, stealthy night combat, realistic HUD features and detailed cockpit graphics modelled after the real F-117A stealth fighter.
key control card
aircraft id chart
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
Dieses Spiel läuft mit der Unterstützung von DOSBox.
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