12 great tunes out of this world. They're from Mars. We like the fifth track very much, but our favorite is the first one. However, we are aware that some people might like the second and the third one more. The ninth will also find its audience. Really, what more can we say? This soundtrack is just...
38 MB available space, Additional 203 MB available space...
12 great tunes out of this world. They're from Mars. We like the fifth track very much, but our favorite is the first one. However, we are aware that some people might like the second and the third one more. The ninth will also find its audience. Really, what more can we say? This soundtrack is just a soundtrack. A soundtrack is a music, tracks, pieces of melody, a symphony.
.xrm did an amazing job of creating the music for the game. SPATE is also doing an amazing job of making the music for the trailers and the other announcements. Thanks to both of them. Most of the income made on this DLC will be handled on their behalf.
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