Square Enix owns (i) the copyright in Deus Ex; (ii) the trademarks in DEUS EX, the Deus Ex logo, EIDOS, EIDOS INTERACTIVE, the Eidos logo, ION STORM, the Ion Storm logo, SQUARE ENIX, and the Square Enix logo; and (iii) other intellectual property rights in its various games and products. Caustic Creative does not and cannot authorize any person to use, reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or create derivative works of the original Deus Ex or any other Square Enix intellectual property. Please contact Square Enix before making any use of such content.
Die GoG Edition von Deus Ex: Revision wurde für den GOG Galaxy-Client entwickelt. Dafür musst du Deus Ex GOTY installiert haben. www.dx-revision.com.
Die GoG Edition von Deus Ex: Revision wurde für den GOG Galaxy-Client entwickelt. Dafür musst du Deus Ex GOTY installiert haben. www.dx-revision.com.
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