In unexplained circumstances, a dazed woman appears on a forest road, found by a random driver. As a police investigator, you take on the task of explaining this mysterious event. Who is this person and what was she doing there? Will the circumstances of this case be easy to explain or is the...
Windows 7, Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 7800, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD...
In unexplained circumstances, a dazed woman appears on a forest road, found by a random driver. As a police investigator, you take on the task of explaining this mysterious event. Who is this person and what was she doing there? Will the circumstances of this case be easy to explain or is there something deeper going on in the story?
You get only three days to complete the investigation. Listen to witnesses, gather evidence, order searches and track suspects. Pay attention to every detail – the further fate of the characters depends on you.
Criminal Expert is a detective video game that puts you under the pressure of inexorably passing time. The story contains multiple selection paths, and you ultimately decide how it ends.
Large selection of dialog options
The passage of time will force you to make quick decisions that will be relevant to the fate of the investigation
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