Behold the Nile! There, on the shores, shall arise your kingdom, your dynasty, and your future. As Pharaoh, you’ll guide your people from a simple tribe of hunter-gatherers to the pinnacle of an immortal civilization. Lead your people wisely and they will erect magnificent pyramids, explore the anci...
Behold the Nile! There, on the shores, shall arise your kingdom, your dynasty, and your future. As Pharaoh, you’ll guide your people from a simple tribe of hunter-gatherers to the pinnacle of an immortal civilization. Lead your people wisely and they will erect magnificent pyramids, explore the ancient world, and fight wars in your name. Every inhabitant of your city is a living, breathing person with their own needs, wants, and desires.From priests to entertainers, scribes to laborers, and even the royal family--everyone needs to eat and that’s just the start.
Children of the Nile Complete is a brilliantly shining gem of a city-building game, in both scope and attention to detail. To achieve immortality, a Pharaoh must look beyond his own city’s borders and make his mark on the world. Explore and establish trade with foreign nations and you will have the motivation to build commemorative wonders that will proclaim the strength and power of your dynasty throughout history. As your prestige rises so too will your ability to attract more people to take part in your ambitious endeavors and build cities that are truly awe-inspiring. How will YOUR dynasty be remembered?
Children of the Nile Complete--for the most comprehensive city-building and management an armchair Pharaoh can get!
Includes Children of the Nile Enhanced Edition and the add-on Children of the Nile: Alexandria
Watch your people go about their daily lives; make the right decisions and help them, and society, move forward.
The fate of civilization is in your hands - you must balance your own ambition with your people's needs. The monuments you ask them to build are a testament to the prestige you have among your people.
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Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
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