Belt up and blast into the rhythmic regions of unexplored space in AVICII Invector.
Created in collaboration with the late superstar DJ, AVICII Invector is a pulse-pounding, frenetic rhythm-action experience.
Soar through vocal melodies, sweep each fade and attack every beat in 2...
Belt up and blast into the rhythmic regions of unexplored space in AVICII Invector.
Created in collaboration with the late superstar DJ, AVICII Invector is a pulse-pounding, frenetic rhythm-action experience.
Soar through vocal melodies, sweep each fade and attack every beat in 25 of AVICII’s biggest hits, including global chart toppers: Without You, Wake Me Up and Lay Me Down.
Fly solo or recreate the party feeling of an AVICII concert with heart-thumping, competitive gameplay.
Each track is built to perfectly match the on-screen visuals taking you through a musical odyssey of serene exploration.
Find your rhythm, feel the beat and keep the musical journey flowing.
Master 25 hit anthems from the phenomenal talent of late superstar AVICII.
Flow through SIX mesmerising worlds wrapped in a magnificent musical experience.
Turn up the volume and set yourself a challenge across THREE complexity levels.
Play solo or with up to 4 friends in split-screen multiplayer action.
Explore a pure-hearted narrative journey set against the globally celebrated works of AVICII.
Support The Tim Bergling Foundation with a percentage of sales going to support mental health awareness.
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