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mrkgnao: It may have been sent (your guess is as good as mine), but it was not yet received (of that I am sure).
Same here.
Hooray. The package has arrived. It contained two items:
1) A GOG T-shirt (will be sent to tfishell)
2) A cardboard shield thanking me for my "achievement"

See attached images.
mrkgnao: 1) A GOG T-shirt (will be sent to tfishell)
I'm curious, what colour is the shirt (can't tell with the lighting) and is there anything on the back?

Not to mention physical achievements, o__o.
mrkgnao: 1) A GOG T-shirt (will be sent to tfishell)
Gydion: I'm curious, what colour is the shirt (can't tell with the lighting) and is there anything on the back?

Not to mention physical achievements, o__o.
It's black (or very dark blue) and there's nothing on the back..
mrkgnao: Hooray.
I'm vicariously underwhelmed.

I hesitate to say so because gog has gotten knocked about a bit today, perhaps deservedly, and I'm not looking to jump on the pile. This is unrelated.

This gift is intended as both publicity and a thank you for purchasing hundreds and hundreds of games. Your goal, gog, was glee. Glee gushing from your devotee as they open your gift, and the glee the rest of us feel on their behalf as they show off their new gear.

I see this as a lost opportunity to create something visually marvelous for your most ardent supporters (and us onlookers). I'm not irked or upset or angry, of course. Just a little disappointed-- as it wouldn't have taken much effort to make me stupidly happy for those few people I recognized in the magic list.

That said, there's still a lot of goodwill leftover here. My kid and I flippin' loved Magrunner that much, thanks.
I would be in.. if the tshirt weren't so barren :/
Neither the colored logo..

Anyway, you'd surely deserve it more than 99% of goggers here.
mrkgnao: Hooray. The package has arrived. It contained two items:
1) A GOG T-shirt (will be sent to tfishell)
2) A cardboard shield thanking me for my "achievement"

See attached images.
I'm a bit late, but only now I realized you got the t-shirt already and posted the photos.

Thanks again, and congrats to the winner!
mrkgnao: Hooray. The package has arrived. It contained two items:
1) A GOG T-shirt (will be sent to tfishell)
2) A cardboard shield thanking me for my "achievement"

See attached images.
ZFR: I'm a bit late, but only now I realized you got the t-shirt already and posted the photos.

Thanks again, and congrats to the winner!
Holy necroposting, lol. Anyway, I wld also like 2 give my congrats 2 tfishell 4 winning this GA. I wld also like 2 congrats mrkgnao on attaining the rank of 'Shelf Master'. =D Was a little disappointed 2 c the t-shirt was so barren though, if it had some nice designs on the back it wld hv been much nicer. Lastly, thks again 2 mrkgnao 4 satisfying my curiosity. :)
Post edited October 08, 2015 by tomyam80
Congrats to the winners and of course to mrkgnao on attaining the prestigious rank of Shelfmaster. Shelfmastery does not come easy in life!
Congratulations, mrkgnao!!! I must admit, I would have preferred Gog handing out the more colorful logo (and perhaps centered & larger.

Guess you'll have to take a trip out to Poland to get their autographs on the display plaque!