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This could have been a tough choice until I remembered:

Mechwarrior 3.

The best Mechwarrior game ever. Almost impossible to run on modern systems. Above all the fond memories I have with this title.
Great choice, I'd love to properly check out MW3 one day (only played the demo way back when). As for my most wished game? Simple: Blade Runner
For me it would be Chronicles Of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual, one of my favourite adventure games.
I'd still say the original Grim Fandango...
Wolfenstein 3D.
I'm cheating; I'm naming two games.

Silent Hill 2 probably.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by PainOfSalvation
Full Throttle. I hope DF doesn't messes up the remaster.
Myth II: Soulblighter
Post edited December 16, 2015 by awalterj
The Neverhood, Maniac Mansion, and Day of the Tentacle, though admittedly I never played any of them.
NOLF 1. Closely followed by NOLF 2 by the way.

Anyone who named something else is sadly completely wrong...
This is hard, but I would actually pick The Sims Complete Collection as my personal choice.
Randalator: NOLF 1. Closely followed by NOLF 2 by the way.

Anyone who named something else is sadly completely wrong...
I am excused because I still have my original disc.
my-nolf.jpg (102 Kb)
Randalator: NOLF 1. Closely followed by NOLF 2 by the way.

Anyone who named something else is sadly completely wrong...
awalterj: I am excused because I still have my original disc.
I do, too. What's your point...?
Vampire Bloodlines, Sid Meiers Pirates 2004 Remake. I will NEVER buy those on steam, only HERE!