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The trees have eyes.

<span class="bold">Through the Woods</span>, the chilling adventure of a woman looking for her son inside a terrifying forest spawned from Norwegian folktales, is now available, DRM-free on, with a 10% launch discount.

Kids assign magical properties to pretty much everything: their toys, their pets, their parents. In their impressionable minds, even a simple forest becomes an enchanted place, full of strange beasts, living trees, and cursed rocks. But what if those terrible fantasies were real? What if the forest is alive, writhing and twisting around you, making you question your sense of direction, your perception of reality and ultimately your own sanity. And somewhere among these unholy howls, these rustling noises, and the menacing shadows, your son is being kept from you, scared and alone, hoping to be rescued before he too becomes a part of the forest's dark history. Your flashlight and your wits are your only weapons. Try to keep them both about you at all times - for his sake.

Steel your nerves and fight your childhood fears as you venture on a one-way trip <span class="bold">Through the Woods</span>, DRM-free on Looking for something to keep you company? Invest in the <span class="bold">Collector's Edition</span> that contains the spooky soundtrack and a detailed artbook.
The 10% discount will last until November 3, 16:59 PM UTC.

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Post edited October 28, 2016 by maladr0Id
Wrong trailer (Turmoil) in the release headline. Fix plox.
This game looks interesting! Has anyone tried it yet?
Blair Witch Projecty
Cool and great timing for those looking for something spooky on Halloween.
Looks interesting. It's unclear to me what the extent of dialogues and interactions with other characters are.

The regional pricing, for this and every other release, while expected, is still not appreciated.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by HypersomniacLive
Dammit, gog, you're bleeding me dry here! I already spent all I could spare on the EA triple-release and now this thing comes along. Off to the wishlist it goes.
Will this work with norsk audio and english text ? According to the game card it seems so.
IronArcturus: This game looks interesting! Has anyone tried it yet?
I played the backer demo last year and I thought it was very good. What I experienced was a very atmospheric walking simulator. When confronted by adversaries, the only reasonable tactic was to run away, so I don't know if there will be much combat in the full game. I'm still waiting on my code for backing the Kickstarter, so I can't yet confirm how much of the full game is actually reflected in the backer demo. Either way, I had a good time with what I played back then and I am quite excited to see what the full game has in store.

It didn´t fell scary to me, but more of stealthily inviting for an adventure :)
I saw HarshlyCritical play the pre-release version on his channel, here, it looks quite different from your regular corridor jump-scare games. It's still not my kind of horror game (Darkfall, Black Mirror etc) but I like that it offers a very different kind of game-world than the vast majority of Indie horror games.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
I may be biased, but I love all things Norway. I'll have to check this out some day.
Another regionally priced title... unwishlisted then, too bad.
Oh no! Again a game I was looking forward to but can't play.

Until yesterday there was an EarlyAlphaDemo of 1.16GB.
I downloaded it - sadly it's gone now.
The demo runs on my old system, but now I saw the requirements of the completed game and am disappointed again.
Oh well, maybe Santa can read my wishes....

Thanks to Antagonist / 1C Publishing for the DRMfree release and the enticing extras, I love art-books and of course the music too.
Would be cool, if I could buy at least those extras without the game.
looks really promising and scary, wishlisted