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Just finished watching American Gods and holy shit, despite being a decent show (despite the intense weirdness), I admit this show was almost completely ruined to me by one character; Laura the cheating undead wife, holy moley I don't think I've ever hated a character so much in a fictional piece of work, what a vile whore.
Stopped watching that show about 15 minutes into the episode that focused on that character actually. I liked the show right up to the point that they ground all of the action in the show to stop to focus on her and it killed any interest I had to keep watching.
firstpastthepost: Stopped watching that show about 15 minutes into the episode that focused on that character actually. I liked the show right up to the point that they ground all of the action in the show to stop to focus on her and it killed any interest I had to keep watching.
Yeah, what made it so bad is she isn't a villain, so she had plot protection through the entire show, despite being an unlikable disgusting person.
low rated
NO, but I have because I hated a member of the production team, be it a writer, actor, director, etc.

Two that come to mind:
Criminal Minds
Enders Game
low rated
Yep,DeNero was a favorite and now I see what a pig it is,no more.
Star Wars - I really don't get the Rey thing, she's like the annoying teacher's pet from school who thinks Coldplay are 'deep'

Final Fantasy 13 - the whole damn cast, but Hope and Snow mostly
Only if it's a badly written character.

Source: I'm watching Cheers for the third time, and there has never been a character, anywhere else, that irritates me nearly as much as Diane.

But she's *supposed* to be annoying, so I just grit my teeth & bear it.

Now, if only I could exercise the same amount of self-control in real life with annoying people... problem is, you have to talk back to real people. That's where everything goes downhill.
Can't think of an example where I outright stopped no. Perhaps Star Wars post G Lucas. Rey doesn't work for me at all, but hate is way too strong a word and I don't think she's the only issue for me. Perhaps I shouldn't say post G Lucas since I haven't seen Rogue One yet and by all accounts that's excellent.
I thought that adult Anakin in Episode II was going to ruin the film and series for me for that matter, but luckily that was only a close call. I ended up really liking him. He's still a bit annoyingly arrogant.

I nearly stopped watching Alien: Covenant when I discovered who the lead in the film was going to be. Don't know why, but she just really, really annoyed me. I loved Elizabeth Shaw though, and the entire Prometheus for that matter *ducks*

Asterix and the Vikings - I can't, just can't watch that abomination. The characters of and story for Justforkix and the viking daughter are ok otherwise, but just not for an Asterix film. It's not even that there's something wrong with their characters per se. It's how they are inexplicably the main characters... The main characters in the first animated Asterix film in over a decade aren't Asterix and Obelix! And worse, they are Disney characters that end up marrying and kissing in the end!?
Post edited June 10, 2019 by Matewis
tinyE: NO, but I have because I hated a member of the production team, be it a writer, actor, director, etc.

Two that come to mind:
Criminal Minds
Enders Game
I lost interest in Criminal Minds after Aisha Tyler joined. Her E3 appearances were so cringe that it just kept taking me out whenever I saw her.
God of War series.

I played through the first one (never played any of the others), but Kratos is the worst lead character in game ever. The game is garbage and just a brain-dead mash square and x button idiot baby-sitter, but Kratos made it painful. I actually almost never beat the game because I was having too much fun letting Ares keep killing him.

GoW is the only game in which I actually intentional killed my character and lost on purpose - I did this throughout the game. I got more satisfaction watching kratos die repeatedly than playing the game. It figures it would take a douche like David Jaffe to create and make such a gigantic PoS.

Also, the most vile character in literature of all time is Ellsworth M. Toohey. Of course, The Fountainhead is a masterpiece so I never came close to stopping reading it. I flew through that novel - an outstanding piece of work.
Linko64: Star Wars - I really don't get the Rey thing, she's like the annoying teacher's pet from school who thinks Coldplay are 'deep'

Final Fantasy 13 - the whole damn cast, but Hope and Snow mostly
OT but what did you think of McGregor's Obi-Wan?

Yes we know the prequels weren't that good, but if anything could be salvaged from them, I think it was him. I loved the way he played it.
tinyE: NO, but I have because I hated a member of the production team, be it a writer, actor, director, etc.

Two that come to mind:
Criminal Minds
Enders Game
Pheace: I lost interest in Criminal Minds after Aisha Tyler joined. Her E3 appearances were so cringe that it just kept taking me out whenever I saw her.
I was thinking of Thomas Gibson.
Evidently he is a first class prick; talks down to everyone, dictates when shooting will happen by refusing to leave his trailer, just being all around unpleasant.

And of course Enders Game because of Card's view of LGBT rights and civil rights in general, which we don't need to, and I won't get into, here.
Post edited June 10, 2019 by tinyE
Matewis: Asterix and the Vikings - I can't, just can't watch that abomination. The characters of and story for Justforkix and the viking daughter are ok otherwise, but just not for an Asterix film. It's not even that there's something wrong with their characters per se. It's how they are inexplicably the main characters... The main characters in the first animated Asterix film in over a decade aren't Asterix and Obelix! And worse, they are Disney characters that end up marrying and kissing in the end!?
Justforkix is a genuine Asterix character, from Asterix and the Normans. I don't really remember the viking daughter, but she was probably created for the film, yes.

I kinda liked this one... but the goddamned musical numbers. Jesus!

Extremely freaking cringy. Why is it that every time someone tries to adapt Asterix (replace with your favorite characters), they always think they can do better, make it "funnier", "modernize" it, and end up inserting horrendous crap that has nothing to do with the comics?

WARNING: Extremely retarded content.
Post edited June 10, 2019 by Dalthnock
Linko64: Star Wars - I really don't get the Rey thing, she's like the annoying teacher's pet from school who thinks Coldplay are 'deep'

Final Fantasy 13 - the whole damn cast, but Hope and Snow mostly
tinyE: OT but what did you think of McGregor's Obi-Wan?

Yes we know the prequels weren't that good, but if anything could be salvaged from them, I think it was him. I loved the way he played it.
Pheace: I lost interest in Criminal Minds after Aisha Tyler joined. Her E3 appearances were so cringe that it just kept taking me out whenever I saw her.
tinyE: I was thinking of Thomas Gibson.
Evidently he is a first class prick; talks down to everyone, dictates when shooting will happen by refusing to leave his trailer, just being all around unpleasant.

And of course Enders Game because of Card's view of LGBT rights and civil rights in general, which we don't need to, and I won't get into, here.
I liked him, thought it was a good mix of playful and serious. But i like Ewan Mcgregor in general so there's a little bias there. I really don't hate the prequels, even if they are a bit of a mess :P
tinyE: OT but what did you think of McGregor's Obi-Wan?

Yes we know the prequels weren't that good, but if anything could be salvaged from them, I think it was him. I loved the way he played it.

I was thinking of Thomas Gibson.
Evidently he is a first class prick; talks down to everyone, dictates when shooting will happen by refusing to leave his trailer, just being all around unpleasant.

And of course Enders Game because of Card's view of LGBT rights and civil rights in general, which we don't need to, and I won't get into, here.
Linko64: I liked him, thought it was a good mix of playful and serious. But i like Ewan Mcgregor in general so there's a little bias there. I really don't hate the prequels, even if they are a bit of a mess :P
I liked them too, but I'm afraid to say it here. In the past when I have, I've gotten death threats, j/k. :P
Matewis: Asterix and the Vikings - I can't, just can't watch that abomination. The characters of and story for Justforkix and the viking daughter are ok otherwise, but just not for an Asterix film. It's not even that there's something wrong with their characters per se. It's how they are inexplicably the main characters... The main characters in the first animated Asterix film in over a decade aren't Asterix and Obelix! And worse, they are Disney characters that end up marrying and kissing in the end!?
Dalthnock: Justforkix is a genuine Asterix character, from Asterix and the Normans. I don't really remember the viking daughter, but she was probably created for the film, yes.
Sure, it's not that he's not a genuine character, it's that he and the invented (not that it matters) viking daughter are the main characters and the story (love story even) revolves around them. It's like a Disney-fied Asterix tale :(

I haven't seen the latest live action film, but the last animated film set in America was passable/ok for me, even though the english voice acting didn't click.
Mansion of the Gods looks great, but I still have to see it. I'll probably go for the french version with english subtitles, since something is very off with the english version. Obelix just doesn't sound right.