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Pidgeot: The tweet he refers to is from one month ago... I suspect that means it wasn't accepted.

On the other hand, the game wasn't as well known (and by extension, requested) back then, so maybe a re-evaluation would change things?
Or maybe things like that take time. When the community manager of Viva Media announced that he had sent Gray Matter to GOG, it took about 3 months (at least that's what I remember) before the game was released.
I suspected as much.

GOG, I am disappoint.
Pidgeot: I suspected as much.

GOG, I am disappoint.
Thanks for the link, though. :) I think I was the "fan" he mentioned (cause I linked to the wishlist on Twitter), though I'm not actually a fan of the game.
Pidgeot: I suspected as much.

GOG, I am disappoint.
Hey! Let's not give up! Let's keep pushing! If the game gets 1k or more votes on the wishlist we might get it released here. I failed at pushing Hatred into GOG. I am not giving up on this one. Let's convince people of voting for it (I can't convince people because I am not well liked but others can). Let's get this game on GOG to the point that GOG excs realize such games are profittable.
Overall, it's a pretty nicely done game although the dating sim aspect of it could have used a bit more depth. The character dialog writing and voice acting are top notch. I'm being completely serious in this, they did a great job with characterization, regardless what you may think of the subject matter. It's flat out entertaining listening to these women talk, and it's actually one of the most naturally written and performed dialogs (ie, not wooden/stilted) I've ever seen in a video game.

The match-3 portion of it is very well-implemented. It's well-balanced and they got the right amount of reward/thinking into it to make it highly addictive. I've played the lead dev's other flash game before and he seems to have a knack for this aspect of gaming.

Unfortunately, the dating sim portions of the game get to be repetitive after a while. The dating sim part of the game is heavily inspired (maybe cloned is a better term here) of a flash game made back in the day called Ganguro Girl. For anyone interested, Ganguro Girl is still readily available as a free flash game on many sites, and is just a quick web search away (it's NSFW, in case anyone was wondering). It was fun in its day for what it was, but I think they could have definitely expanded on the Q & A + gift mechanics with the girls instead of just cloning it and Huniepop would have been rather revolutionary for it.

I'd still like to see the game here, as it's still a well-developed game overall and it and the developers have a more positive-sexuality vibe then it does a seedy/negative vibe (which many other games focused on sexual themes tend to be). I feel nudity and sexuality are topics which could use a bit more open-mindedness in general. I know its kind of a minority/contentious opinion, so I'm not holding my breath, but I'd take sex over violence any day. :)
Post edited June 17, 2015 by the.kuribo
Nearly at 500 votes thanks to that blog post. :)

It didn't get mine b/c I probalby won't buy it but I definitely hope GOG takes notice for people who would/fans. :)
Pidgeot: I suspected as much.

GOG, I am disappoint.
LeonardoCornejo: Hey! Let's not give up! Let's keep pushing! If the game gets 1k or more votes on the wishlist we might get it released here. I failed at pushing Hatred into GOG. I am not giving up on this one. Let's convince people of voting for it (I can't convince people because I am not well liked but others can). Let's get this game on GOG to the point that GOG excs realize such games are profittable.
I never said anything about giving up. :P

In fact, I think that the stated reason (no VNs) is even more of a reason to not give up because:

1) HuniePop isn't much of a VN to begin with
2) We already have other games which are at least as VN-like as HuniePop (Long Live the Queen has same kind of elements as HuniePop; Hatoful Boyfriend is pure VN)
3) There are truly awesome VNs out there, so the rule doesn't make much sense in the first place (e.g. Phoenix Wright, yes, that actually had a PC release)

I have not yet gotten around to buying the game (very limited gaming budget these days, and other things have ended up higher on the list of priorities), but I will buy it here the moment I see it - even if I've already ended up buying the game directly from the developer before then. I would pay *now* if that's what it would take to get it here.

Make it happen, GOG, or at least be honest about the *real* reason (because it sure as hell can't be "no VNs allowed").
ShadowOwl: A match 3 game which will be mostly forgotten in a few days. No thanks.
You obviously haven't seen this game in action.
LeonardoCornejo: Hey! Let's not give up! Let's keep pushing! If the game gets 1k or more votes on the wishlist we might get it released here. I failed at pushing Hatred into GOG. I am not giving up on this one. Let's convince people of voting for it (I can't convince people because I am not well liked but others can). Let's get this game on GOG to the point that GOG excs realize such games are profittable.
Pidgeot: I never said anything about giving up. :P

In fact, I think that the stated reason (no VNs) is even more of a reason to not give up because:

1) HuniePop isn't much of a VN to begin with
2) We already have other games which are at least as VN-like as HuniePop (Long Live the Queen has same kind of elements as HuniePop; Hatoful Boyfriend is pure VN)
3) There are truly awesome VNs out there, so the rule doesn't make much sense in the first place (e.g. Phoenix Wright, yes, that actually had a PC release)

I have not yet gotten around to buying the game (very limited gaming budget these days, and other things have ended up higher on the list of priorities), but I will buy it here the moment I see it - even if I've already ended up buying the game directly from the developer before then. I would pay *now* if that's what it would take to get it here.

Make it happen, GOG, or at least be honest about the *real* reason (because it sure as hell can't be "no VNs allowed").
I would hate to find out it is because of the erotic content because there are other games with erotic contento on GOG, some of which are not half as likable (Leisure Suit Larry for examples, some of the games in the series suck).
Pidgeot: Make it happen, GOG, or at least be honest about the *real* reason (because it sure as hell can't be "no VNs allowed").
Well, it's diplomacy. It's often not in a company's best interests to be fully transparent on all the real reasons for rejection (sometimes there are even legal liabilities involved in revealing this information). From what I've read about GOG's rejection practices, however, does leave a lot to be desired in terms of developer relations. Reading between the lines, I would imagine the true reasons for rejection are (in order of importance):

1. It's central focus is on sexual themes and eroticism, which is a highly controversial / taboo subject matter. The uncensored version has explicit artwork which some find to be more shocking than seeing artwork of someone's brains splattered all over the ground, and that can affect brand acceptance severely (in business terms).

2. It is a "casual" match-3 puzzle game. Do you see any other match-3 games on GOG? They don't even have a puzzle category, and GOG has historically selected titles that catered more to the crowd that typically shuns "casual" games.

3. At the time of its submission, I don't think it was very well-known and I believe GOG prefers to select games with a strong following / hype prior to release which increases the per-title profit potential of each game they allow into their catalog. Now that the game is demonstrably popular and has a following, this point probably no longer stands if they game were to be resubmitted for consideration today.

4. It has some design influence from VN, although this seems like less of a real reason since Long Live the Queen and Hatoful Boyfriend are actual VN and are available for sale on this site.
Post edited June 17, 2015 by the.kuribo
Hunie Pop actually surprised me by how fun it was.
The dating sim side of things leaves a lot to be desired, as does the depth of the characters, but the match-3 puzzles were really enjoyable and overall, it was just a pretty fun sort of game. Nothing too deep, but something to pass the time and there's actually quite a lot of content available.
the.kuribo: Well, it's diplomacy. It's often not in a company's best interests to be fully transparent on all the real reasons for rejection (sometimes there are even legal liabilities involved in revealing this information).
Then they should have said "we don't think this game is a good fit for our site", not come up with a reason which was provably false. Long Live the Queen was released here on October 15, 2013; HuniePop was still being kickstarted at the time, so it would have been submitted quite a bit later. Hatoful Boyfriend came here on September 4, 2014; that *is* late enough that HuniePop could have been submitted earlier (it went on Greenlight in January 2014), but the blog post I linked previously reads more like it happened closer to its release (which was January 19, 2015 - 4½ months later).
the.kuribo: Well, it's diplomacy. It's often not in a company's best interests to be fully transparent on all the real reasons for rejection (sometimes there are even legal liabilities involved in revealing this information).
Pidgeot: Then they should have said "we don't think this game is a good fit for our site", not come up with a reason which was provably false. Long Live the Queen was released here on October 15, 2013; HuniePop was still being kickstarted at the time, so it would have been submitted quite a bit later. Hatoful Boyfriend came here on September 4, 2014; that *is* late enough that HuniePop could have been submitted earlier (it went on Greenlight in January 2014), but the blog post I linked previously reads more like it happened closer to its release (which was January 19, 2015 - 4½ months later).
I totally agree, GOG needs to work on their developer relations with respect to rejection reasons / notices.

I just brought up the stuff on diplomacy because sometimes businesses can't really go into specifics, but GOG could make a better effort in my opinion.
the.kuribo: 2. It is a "casual" match-3 puzzle game. Do you see any other match-3 games on GOG?
Triple Town, according to the game page and a few of the reviews.
the.kuribo: 2. It is a "casual" match-3 puzzle game. Do you see any other match-3 games on GOG?
227: Triple Town, according to the game page and a few of the reviews.
I love that game! That said, it's the only game of its kind to be found here. It's not that surprising though as match-3 games are a dime a dozen. It really take something superb to stand out well above the crowd. I'm still curious why Road Not Taken isn't here...