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Banned for thinking that a house band makes house calls.

GamezRanker: ^ Banned for not inviting me to their private rock concert
(which hosted bands like KISS, AC/DC, etc)
Banned for thinking that there's a band called etc.
^ Banned for causing the break-up The GOG House Band before it even got really started.
^ banned, because the proposed GOG house (banned) band's name was to have been named, "Etcetera"
Banned for explaining the meaning of etcetera to the King of Siam.
Banned for hallucinating royalty.
Banned for royally hallucinating.
Banned for royal halitosis.
J Lo: Banned for explaining the meaning of etcetera to the King of Siam.
^ banned for repeating (over and over) the names of the three ancient gods of the east, "Owah, Tehgoo, Siam"
Banned for turning the King of Siam into an apocalyptic cyborg.
Banned for thinking the T-1000 is the King of Siam.
^ Banned for being against mostly peaceful machines having higher roles and positions of power in society
Post edited May 16, 2024 by GamezRanker
^ Banned for being a Synth (see Fallout 4)
Banned for being a Cylon (see Battlestar Galactica).
^ banned for mentioning a "b-rated" series
Banned for disrespecting Cannon Films.