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Warlords II Deluxe completed
I can get it running okay with dosbox, but i want it gog-able!
I still have the floppy disks. I’ll pay $50 for GOG to get it here. Steve Fawkner the creator of this game is a genius... GOG give him a call!!!!
I was fooling around with PowerMonger and saw this and got it. Forget about PM; THIS. I have purchased Warlords II near 30 years agp and go plenty of milage out of it touching up the army sets. It was the Mac version but it lacked the scenario editor, however the armies and cities could be accessed with Resedit, changed and repasted into the file and show up in the game. Changed stats had to be hex edited. The PC DOS Deluxe version, the version I want to see on GOG, has a very good scenario editor and can keep one busy for quite awhile. Graphics such as Army Sets can be edited in a paint program (.pcx format). Game holds up and plays well in Win 8.1, see link a few posts down.
Steve Fawkner of Infinite Interactive is the creator of this. I have tried emailing him to get him to talk to GOG for a release, and I suggest anyone that want the turn based Warlords games on here do the same.
I cannot believe this game (and the other turn based Warlords games) are still not on here. Come on GOG!
I swear I check GOG once a week hoping this shows up. Maybe one day...
Same as Kodras for me, this game is one of my earliest and fondest mac games!
This is a must have for GOG and any serious turn-based strategy gamer. The scenario editor with Warlords II Deluxe is also amazing. Please get this GOG! Instant buy from me!
It took me a LONG time to find out the name of this game, I played it a ton as a kid but couldn't remember it, and couldn't find it because of warlords battlecry 2, which wasn't the game I remembered. This was it. This is the game I need in my collection. Sure it's available from sketchy abandonware sites, but I want to own it. So badly. Let me throw money at you.
Great game
I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)
I found that this download works on windows ten and is free and easy. I'm not a bot, I love this game and couldn't find it forever. but this works perfectly
I really hated tha battlecry series, but I loved the classic Warlords games!!! strategy per turn is great!!
This and System Shock 2 were my great hope for GOG. We've got 1/2 right now. I really hope this gets added soon. It is a simple game that has near infinite re-play-ability. Take my money.
I've been waiting for a few years for GOG to add Warlords II deluxe. Loved that game. I was pissed when Warlords 3 came out and they switched the game to an RTS. I would buy Warlords II deluxe the moment GOG put it up for sale.
Ah, yes. Warlords Deluxe. It ran fine on Windows XP. A Very fine game, which I would buy the instant you choose to offer it.
please add .. best ever..
Warlords II Deluxe @ Win 10 please add dear GOG...
This needs to happen
Definitely one of my favorites! It would be great to have this
Love it!
This needs to happen! it's already 2018 and there is no good way to buy this game =(
This game is the very essence of Good Old Game. I spent dosens hours in its magical atmosphere, immersive music and unbelievable fantasy-startegic feel. I will buy the game on the spot if GOG will introduce. Pleeeeaaaase!!!!!!!
I still have the floppy disks and manual. This is one of the BEST fantasy games of all time. GOG will make good money out of this game because a lot of people are going to buy it right away.
The last of my favorite games still not available on [sigh]
seriously gog, this game is a hidden gem of 4x games
After a long search I found Warlords III - Reign of Heroes. After days of trying I got it working.
The battlecry series are it just not.
Come on GOG. make the first Warlords series available. many people would be thankfull.
So also with this Warlords 2 Deluxe. Played it a very long time ago and I cant find it online anymore.
So, go go, GOG :)
We love you!
This one cant be that hard, come on!
Yes please. Such a nice game
My first ever comment. This game is needed.
Yes, please, add this, GOG :)
don't miss this one :)
I'd really love to see this one. Not only would it bring back memories, but it'd allow me to finish what I started way back when.
Please make this game happen. This was my favorite game as a kid. I want the easy to play experience through GOG so I don't have to mess around with emulators anymore to get my warlords fix.
This is a classic game and will be great if GOG can add this
add add add pls ;)
Upvoted. Lost my floppy game years back, I am missing it bad. Hope this gets added soon!
Still have the original CD woot woot, just cant get it to work boo boo
Tap...tap...tap. Still waiting. Still hoping. Please obtain this one!
Seriously... this game never gets old.
Do it, do it!
Add this game, it rocks so much!
I want Warlords series bad. Please. Not real time.
Do it!
Dost thou feel the wolves snapping at thy heels? MAKE THIS GAME!
please make this game available. I Want to show my son good games instead of the crap they pump out these days.
Please add this game to gog!!!
add... Add ... ADD ... please :D
I've been checking for Warlords and Warlords II Deluxe for several years, now. Please add one or both of these to!
This was one of my top ten favorites of all time. I've contacted the GoG folks multiple times begging them to get this. Probably the best scenario editor I've ever used; right up there with the Ancient Art of War and The Perfect General scenario editors.
Would spend real money on this, hopefully gifts would include WL II (regular). Thanks!
If GOG can get the Battlecry games on here, why not the original series as well? Would be an instant purchase for me!
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