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Twisted Metal 2
Please pull a Resident Evil and bring back the PC versions of these classics. Sony is already releasing some games on GOG, and this would be a challenge
sooo ... no? :( ... Come on, we need this game for the sake of our childhood :D
Would love to get my hands on this one. A forgotten classic.
So GOG Community YOUR wish is to have Twisted Metal on GOG?
Damn! Now it's the time since Sony is getting generous!
We Want Twisted Metal 2 GOG Please
With the release of Detroit Become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn (this last one on GOG itself) on PC, Sony should really consider re-releasing Twisted Metal 2 (as well as TM1 and Jet Moto 1) on GOG. Maybe Gog can push them on the right direction? That would be more than perfect.
TM 1-4 and small brawl would be great on here. Love all the vehicle mayhem genre games!
Twisted Metal 2 c'mon guys lets do it!
I like Black better, bought it a few days ago on Ps4 to re-live some golden memories, but it would be an absolute blast to have Twisted Metal 2 on GOG.
Check for the new Twisted Metal 2 modding tools. We have vehicle and level replacement tools. You can create your own levels or vehicles for the game. The vehicles and levels DO replace current things in game. It's not yet at the point of replacement.
A friend recommended it and now I need it.
Check out After 21 years, we now have a modding program for total texture conversions, and even model replacement. Multiplayer also still works with a few steps. GOG release this!
like 1997
The only one, which was released on PC too. I really wish it could be the part of GOG's offer!
I would love to see Twisted Metal 2 on gog. That would be amazing! Sooo many memories.
one of my all time favourite games. i would love to get this on a modern machine
I would pay anything for this, gog.
wow i didn't know it was on pc
I would love to see this on gog. At the time it retailed, the copies were pretty limited. It would be great to have a legitimate way to get my hands on this game.
Come on people, more votes for one of the funniest action packed car games ever!
This game, in my opinion, was the best in the series. The best characters in a wide range of specialties and abilities helped make this one to the top of my list for the entire series that is still spanning these late years. The PC version offered 8-player online warfare. There's nothing like taking it to the streets (and rooftops) of Paris, crashing into and blowing each other to smitherines.
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