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The Terminator: Future Shock
I love Terminator Resistance but Future Shock had that hopeless and morbid ambiance that felt like a true Future War.
bring Terminator FS back to 2024!
Dum spiro - spero :)
I want them too!!!
This game and Skynet should be released.
Absolutely want this game to be re-released!
please I want to play good old Terminators. Playable Future shock/Skynet bundle = instabuy!
How is this game not already on here?
Futureshock was such a great game it is still the standard I hold any terminator game to this day. It really nailed the atmosphere. I would love if this was re-released and find myself checking periodically. GoG please, you are our only hope.
Please give us this GOG! Future Shock + Skynet <3
We need them. I would by both games (Future Shock and Skynet).
Would love to play it again! Great atmosphere of survival in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by machines.
terminator future shock and skynet, for this two i can't wait!
Played this and Skynet a lot when I was younger, would love to get them again
I would play this game and I've never played it before.
Would also be very interested in all of the old Terminator games.
Future Shock and Skynet are two games that would definitely benefit from receiving a modernized rerelease.
Get all the Bethesda Terminator games on here, but especially Future Shock. An overlooked masterpiece. Free roaming levels, full 3D everything, driving, flying, it even invented mouse-look. Truly revolutionary.
I might be one of the few that like Future Shock more than Skynet, but these are great games and imho the best Terminator games. It'd be awesome to see the on GOG.
I've been streaming this over the last couple of months and have a good DOSBox config set up for it. It runs great with only a few crashes. This game is a must play!
Why isn't this game on GOG already? It's a must buy for both, fps and Termi fans.
I loved this game when I was a child, instant buy if they manage to get it on gog. One of the first Mouse aim/look games and semi open world huge levels with lots of freeroam and secrets. Also one of the best enemies in the Raptor! I hated those guys :D
please add future shock and skynet
was looking for it earlier and saw it on the wishlist. sure hope it will be released on GOG.
Can't wait for this game to come to GoG, it would be an instant buy. Terminator: Skynet too.
I loved playing this game back in the nineties. Would be fantastic to play it again.
With Terminator Resistance already in the GOG library, there is little to no reason not to include Future Shock in order to complete the Terminator franchise collection.
Please make this happen. It's one of the best!
This is one of my favorite games. Had so much fun with the older Terminator FPS games.
I Remember this Game, i loved it.
it was a some type of early open world and you could enter buildings and explore the city. Great Atmosphere. With all the new Movies it would be great to get this game to the collection and enjoy this old experience.
I played this game when I was 10 yo, please add this great game
Iconic. Must have.
it would be nice of GOG will release this game :)
This was definitely a great game and, I believe, the best Terminator themed game ever done. Would love to see this on GOG.
please add this game
that is one amazing game! sounds, graphics, story - one of the best 3d games of DOS period, would love to have a windows port!
Please release this on GOG!
Yes add it.
Please if there is any way put this on GOG. I would purchase this game from GOG and enjoy for soooooooooooo may hours, days, months and years :)
this game was the first one with mouseFreeLook&aim and wasd controls, standard today... back then even DOOM & Co used arrow control to move you pixelate caracter arround and enemy-polygon graphics and not that 2dTexture object... a milestone...
Bardzo mile widziana gra do dodania do listy oferty GOG.
make this happen todd!
I'd buy that and not for a dolar!
I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)
Looks cool would love to see and buy from GOG!!
I don't care how much but I want to pay for a pack of two: Terminator: Future Shock and Terminator: Skynet. One of the most best post apocalyptic FPS's have ever been made. These were unique in that era they came in, and also the two best Terminator game ever made!
I haven't played this game in a looong time and I'd love to play it again. Please release it on!
Looks awesome! Never heard of it before, need it on GOG
Such a great game, we should get this game with the Terminator 3 Reboot in the works.
Would be great if this game were to actually be released here; many of us fondly remember the sheer greatness of this game for its 3D engine and immersing gameplay, and would love to have GOG consider this.
75 comments about this wish