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The Fool's Errand
Lovely game, would we a welcome addition to GOG.
A propper origonal game.
I played a bit of this on (i think) a MAC Clasic years ago, and then went years before finding out out what it was caled again.
If it was on GOG i'd defenetly buy it!
I'd like to see his other games added to GOG's catalog as well, such as 3 in Three or At the Carnival.
Totally agree. Also get the sequel (which is in the running for longest period between original game and sequel ever). At the moment he wants $40 for it on his website - I reckon he'd make much more money charging $10 on gog.
Classic puzzle game, released in 1987. If I'm not mistaken, the guy who developed it let's you download the original DOS game and a couple of extras for free. I think it would be easy for GOG to come to an agreement with him and bundle the whole thing with DOSBox. I think it would be an excellent addition to the catalogue, as this one is the very definition of a good old game.
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