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The Creed
I just found out the name of the gamedemo I played over two decades ago. Jumped here as a result.
Not many peoples probably player this game back in -98 when it was released, hence the low number of votes. It was a great game however, the world felt really deadly and atmospheric.
This game was one of my earliest gaming experiences!!
Tried for few days, even with directdraw and d3d emulations and capturing programs it just won't work and crashes right after it starts. Not to mention font at start is illegible. I am very sad. I would pay 10$ easily for this game...
I loved the demo, full version doesn't work on my new machine, although from time to time I spend a day or two to try (always to fail). Latest link with two reviews about the game: managed to download the game from abandonware site (not for free, but close), obviously it is probably bannable offense to link to sites like that, so I won't... Still the game is AMAZING, it deserves some more votes!
I think this game is mostly off the map now... probably a little too violent but a helluva blast !
This was a old game published by EA in the late 90's Here are some links to sites that contain some information about this<a class="light_un" href="" target="_blank"></a> know most of you guys don't know what this game is, but I rather see a Good Old Game revived than a new decent one.
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