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Sin Episodes 1: Emergence
Already own `SiN: Gold` on GOG would love to add this one to my collection.
While this one of the 3 has comments, I was not sure which SIN: Episodes request to add my support for so I added it for all 3 that I found. YES! Please add SIN: Episodes as soon as possible!
Sin reloaded soon on steam. Any Chance for sin episodes on gog?
This series had so much potential, shame the developers got bought out by another company. Bring Emergence on GoG, please!
One vote from me.
Would be cool to see on gog. I cant even find it on steam anymore, so the game isn`t avaeble anywhere now.
Valve have apparently relaxed their DRM policy regarding third-party Source engine games (if Dear Esther and Consortium are anything to go by). So yeah... releases of this, Vampire Bloodlines, Dark Messiah and Zeno Clash seem pretty feasible now.
Would be nice to complete the series, but not that great of a game in my opinion. Looks, sounds, and plays almost exactly like HL2, while leaving out most of the things that made the original SiN fun. <-Trailer
God, I wish they released the other episodes. One of the best shooters ever.
9 comments about this wish