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One more voting for Shadowcaster on GoG.
Please bring this to GOG!
The extended CD version is really a great game! I would immediately buy it...
I'd buy this game in a heartbeat. I played the floppy disk version; it took me ages to finish it. I am ready to do it all over again!
I'll add another wish to find Shadow Caster to the list. I have the short version and would really like to play the full one.
I've been wanting to buy a digital copy of this for over a decade. The last time I was able to get this to work was on a LInux Mint installation in 2007, but I got stuck at some point and couldn't figure out how to get any further (even wiith a map and guide I found on-line). I don't think that it would work on Windows 10 without somebody adapting it because it was made for DOS, and therefore 16-bit software (and therefore not supported by 64-bit operating systems like Windows 8 and Windows 10).
Gog has nearly all the other games made by Origin, so i am surprised this game isn't even on the upcoming games list yet! How can it be THAT bogged down in IP rights hell if all the other games from the same developer have been on here for over a decade?
This one and Dungeon Master 1 & 2 have been part my weekly search here.
I came here looking for ShadowCaster, after reading about it in an old PC Format magazine :D
Almost 2023 and gog still doesn't have this. lol
I was looking for this and was surprised it is not on GOG!
I would buy this game again too! Loved it, my CD version came with a special Logitech mouse
This was my very first proper PC game. My dad bought this game for me on CD-ROM in 1994 when I was 6 years old and it was totally unlike anything I had seen before. I remember being totally blown away by the cheesy CGI intro. Learning the controls was so difficult for me because I wasn't just learning how to play a game, I was learning how to use a PC! I remember spending hours navigating the first level and being scared of the monsters. This is how I got started with PC gaming. I love this game.
GOG please add this game :(
What would be even better is that if Raven Software released the engine's source code, someone else can create a Shadowcaster source port, but we don't even have an actual release on GOG yet ...
It's 20 Jun 2019.
Still no ShadowCaster on GoG.
*bump* (if this forum bumps).
Yep. Add me to this wishlist!
Would love to be able to get this at GOG please add!!!
How is this still not on GOG
I played the hell out of this game back in the day, please GOG make it happen. We need this classic.
I played it 20 years ago, great game! GOG do something! ;D
I'm with you guys! I've still got the CD version from back in the day, and recently got a hold of the floppy version as well. The floppy version definitely has its charm, as I realised that the intro and cutscenes etc were more traditional than the prerendered early CGI style of the CD version.
A CD version GOG release with bonus floppy version would be fantastic! I'd buy the game all over again just to have it 'saved' from
Oblivion in my GOG library.
Such an interesting game too: game engine by John Carmack created after Wolfenstein while researching tech for the DooM engine. Trivia like that blows my mind!
C'mon GOG, please please please! :D
I still have a working CD ...
But I would love to be able to get it from GOG and play this on Linux without any hassle ;-)
Yes, please. I just noticed while I was checking old "floppy" disks that disc 2 of mine broke. Argh! So yes, let's have it on good-old-games, this is one early milestone!
ShadowCaster CD version with goodies on GOG please.
OMG - This would be great, but please the CD Version!!!
I want this game, please make it available at GOG.
The three games I owned that weren't shareware as a kid:
1. Betrayal at Krondor 2. ShadowCaster and 3. X-COM:UFO Defense
I still love to play all 3. I remember in shadowcaster the game would occasionally crash and play an extended soundtrack that was great, and I couldn't ever find out what it was...
It's a decent game, a bit grindy but good features and nice atmosphere. Bit of a milsestone as John Carmack worked on it and said it was halfway between Wolfenstein 3D and Doom in engine technology.
Activision Owns the IP it seems
I would purchase it in no time! I saw it on Kilg0re Tr0ut's channel on Twich. Looks fantastic! If you can please make it happen if you can.
This game brings on an immense sensation of nostalgia. I would not only buy this game, I would heap praise for such an adaptation - as is likely the case for any fan of this game. A true classic, lost in the annals of PC gaming.
I would buy this. Please make it happen.
IMO the Floppy version is better... The CD has a kind of 3D intro scene that I didn't really like, it also has some speech for a few parts. I would stick to the original version... Wonderful game that's been in the "shadow", one of my favorites. Would LOVE to see a high def version but I guess it'll never happen...
It saddens me there's so few votes for this little gem.
I still have my Logitech Cyberman 3D :D
would love this game in my collection once more!
My first 3D "shooter"-type game. I would be first in line to buy on release. GOG gives me hope!
Will buy, OpenGL Edition please, even more better.
I would buy.
This was one of my very first PC games. I would buy this in a heartbeat!
Seriously though this needs to happen
This game defined my childhood! C'mon GOG I believe in you!
why are none of these games around?!
This would be the happiest day of my gaming life.
bought this games years ago on floppy ----- I still have it after all these years ------ never got to finish it cause the floppy was corrupted ----- would buy this one in a heart beat just to play and finish it --- was fun to play
PLEASE add this game, I will be so happy!!
My CD ís not working anymore :/ Pls make it soon happen!
This is one of my top favorite games of all time. In no order , they are (please don't judge me):
-Outpost 2
-Betrayal in Antara
-Supreme Commander +FA
-Plant Tycoon
-the original RuneScape (2002) by Andrew and Paul
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