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Restricted Area
I have never heard anything about it containing Starforce and haven't run into any trouble with it. And at least on the german retail version I was using I don't remember running into any important bugs. The only real issue I had was with the last patch, which mostly contained multiplayer stuff. It caused frequent short freezes when interacting with the inventory. Once I went back one patch it worked without problems.
A GOG release won't magically fix the bugs and there is no stable build anywhere available.
To fix these bugs, you have to have access to the game's source code and rebuild and debug it etc.
The game is a turd. It is buggy, it has problems on 64 Bit Windows, it has Starforce 3 DRM copy protection and is a Diablo 1 ripoff scifi clone.
Current ownership is unclear.
Could this be made Digital please? I do have the original disk and can;t play it.. Thank you.
Would love to see (and buy) it here. Have the original disk but could only play with crack. Even the support told me to use the crack because there would be no newer patch :D So, would be nice from gog to revive it fixed :D
I still got the DVD from the German magazin "Screenfun", but i want a digital version. Please !!!
I just found out that my old game disk is broken. I dusted off one my old XP Laptop to play it again. 11/10 would add to my collection on if it would be made available.
What happend to this game? Why is it either on GOG nor on Steam or other legit digital stores to buy???
By the way, for anyone playing a german version (don't know about international patches) the last patch caused me some issues with inventory freezing. I went back to the patch before that and that one didn't have that problem.
I recently installed my disc version again. It took me hours to get it to work. I fixed some frame rate issues and some graphic glitches. But it still is very wonky. Some main mission scripts are are bugged, picking up items in your inventory takes around 5 seconds every time... So yeah, bottom line is. We need a GOG Version.
Hey GOG, why you wait for it? we need it =)
I really enjoyed playing Restricted Area by Master Creating back in 2000's. I would be delighted if this game was available on GOG.
Great game, would buy it again if it was on GOG.
Please add it - its so old, and a bit of crappy, but its still nice and nostalgic to play
I bought Cyberpunk 2077, and it brought back a lot of old Restricted Area feelings. Please dear GoG team, make it a reality and put it on the site for sale.
Playing Cyberpunk 2077 brought back memories of this game. I had it a long time ago but it ran at ~2FPS and I have vivid memories of the last official patch breaking the game. Don't know if that is something you all can fix but I would love a chance to play this one again.
Kenne das Spiel von früher. War absolute Klasse. Wäre schön wenn es auf GOG erscheinen würde.
I finished this game when I was a child but it does not work on my Win8 :( Would appreciate it seeing here as it is an insta-buy for me.
Just found it on an old GameStar DVD (12/07) during a cleaning session.
It's without copy protection and it installs and runs under Windows 10 (Full Screen/XP SP3 compatibility mode).
Having a blast with it right now =D
A GOG version with windowed mode would be awesome.
Cleaning up my Games Shelf I've stumbeld upon that game. Was great but only ran with the Crack, even if it's an original. Was fun but buggy. Would like to see a polished version here.
Cyberpunk meets Diablo.
I have the Original CD at home but sadly it doesn't work. This Game was Awesome.
Would be nice if this would come to GoG. I loved this Diablo clone.
it was once free, I guess. Had it in a magazine, is like a Blade Runner thingly, liked it very much.
Great game.
It was actually pretty awesome. Like a cyberpunk themed Diablo.
It was pretty crappy and pretty fun at the same time. I'm not a fan of the genre, but I would really like to buy it for my collection and complete it again.
I got a used copy recently and played through it with Johnson (the ranged character). It's quite repetitive, but the attribute system is better than in most ARPGs and though the character system isn't as good as in Titan Quest or Din's Curse, at the very least skills get more expensive as you invest in them. I also liked the itemization and the Tolerance system. And of course: There aren't exactly a lot of Cyberpunk-ARPGs.
Please can we have this game?? It's like a fun version of diablo 2 with guns, well worth a quick playthrough and I'm sure they would be willing to have it available here!!!
i remember spending time with this one.
a little to short, but awsome in its simplicity.
finding good loot & customizing your char was as thrilling as going to the missions
I need this game for nostalgic reasons, and i would love to play through it again. Hope it makes it on to GOG
Cool oldschool game, I'm really looking for it for a long time. Hope to see it one day on GOG!
Good old game , what can I say more? Sadly the original version has bugs everywhere on the new operating systems ,ill appreciate if GoG will upgrade and release this game :D
Amazing game and it would be nice if it come to GOG.
This game isn't on Steam either. I hope it comes to
this game has some bugs but it's great anyway !
I hope this makes it on GOG too. People liken it to Diablo/Fallout, but the cyberpunk/dystopian setting/missions elements are very much like the Sega Genesis/NES version of Shadowrun. It would be nice if GOG could get this!
it's a great game, worthy of a gog release
I loved this game when i was a kid, a Diablo clone in a cyberpunk world. This game was highly addictive and would love to see this get released on
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