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Rage Of Mages completed
Nival bans distribution of Аллоды , I do not know what the meaning of their online Аллоды sucks. Nival please sell through gog, I 'll buy them . I can not buy them anywhere , so sell me . Демиурги is still in fact sell
Completed both games in Rage of Mages (aka Allods) series in Russian. Also completed both demos in English as well. Loved it!
It was quite easy to find demo installers for English version, however full version was never available in my country. I asked every available video game seller in Moscow starting from official retailers (including Buka and Nival offices) to shady pirates from various locations. Everyone refused with a question: "Why bother with English version? It's a Russian game, so play it in Russian like it's supposed to be". No, it's not. Russian actors were taken directly from TV programs made specifically for children under age 6. If you ever heard how actors mimicking their voices to sound with sugary pleasantness and zero emotions in dire hopes to appease to younger audience, you might get the idea.
Allods 1 gave me the same feeling of joy as let's say Heroes of Might & Magic 1. Games have nothing in common except for details in design & fantasy universe full of magic and adventure. As for the actual gameplay you might think of it as Warcraft 2 mod with 4 units army, RPG elements and market for upgrades and hired mercenaries (inadequately expensive and feeble manpower, mages were helpful though as healers at least).
It was very easy to raise all characteristics (except maybe for 1 or 2) up to 100 max points. Legally and without using any kind of game bugs, just a bit of patience and a thoughtful approach. I must admit that being 1 point stronger than Grand Magister on island (he is only 99 level mage after all heh-heh-heh) is a pretty neat thing in all aspects. It even fits main plot better. After all you have been chosen by destiny itself and only the mightiest of all wizards can save the universe and traverse though the worlds.
Of course every player who happened to choose fighter instead of a mage as his/her character is a stupid person with no sense of beauty, with no common sense at all.
Allods 2 is slightly better than the first one. That is why Allods 2 is a number #1 in Russia for me made.
There was a official confirmation of Allods 3 (3D) development, a few screenshots surfaced. I read an interview with Nival project team, they mentioned new 3D technology in game engine, able to create 3D surface maps with easy to use constructor's kit. But then for some reason Nival and Buka quarreled about something, my guess it was all about money and agreement conditions regarding Intellectual Property of Rage of Mages/Allods trade mark. You see Nival signed an agreement with Buka to exclusively publish their next game in series (working title was Allods 3D: Restoration) and then after a conflict Nival realized that they can't publish a game with any mentions of Allods of any of its characters without being sued for that because they were stupid enough to believe lawyers;)
That's why they decided to create new and unrelated universe with resemblance of classic Allods (there were mentioning of two towns with exactly same name as in Allods - that's the closest link). So Evil Island emerged and this was a complete pile of BS, my heart was pulled out of my chest, my life was ended and since then I'm a leaving corpse with no soul.
Instabuy. Only ever played demo of RoM 1, but I played thrhough RoM2 and really liked it. Demo too.
Amazing game, played it as a kid and would instabuy it if it came out on GoG
RoM 1 and 2 MUST HAVE GAMES, every real gamer has to have them
i'd love to see this game hit gog, its always been a favorite
GOG; if you can't find the game by it's American name, try the Russian title: "Allods: The Seal of Mystery"
An amazing game I have been trying to find for a few years now. Something I would be willing to pay $15 for.
RoM 1 and 2 are well worth playing, even compared to modern games.
ROM 1&2 (Rage of Mages 1 & 2) seriously needs to be on GOG... the game does not deserve to go into the book of forgotten games... It's to classic and great for that!!!
<a href="" class="light_un" target="_blank"><br /></a> should release the games as a dual package...
I live in Denmark, nad me and my Brother pplayed this back in the day.
He had to order it from England for like 15£, and pay for shipment, and we didn't even know if it would Work!
If this game is going to be available I would pay 10£/15€, and still think it was Money well spent!!
Please GOG, make my day ;)
I'll add my support for the game. I grabbed it in the bargain bin outside a babbages once (over a decade ago) and found it enjoyable. I was searching this site for this game, today and yesterday.
I would also like to see both Evil Islands (next games in the series) and to see both english and russian(it is the original) versions of all four games.
I meant >>Jurassic War<< in the previous
This game was so strangely addictive. I just loved the fact that you actually get better with a skill just by using it more, similar to Jurassic Wars. I will buy it for 100% once you bring it to GOG, and please make it Mac compatible :)
Necromancer is the best in series, but still qould love to get them all.
Great game, played the demo. Still have ROM2 on CD!
Would love to see this game on here. One of my favs growing up
Nice combination of RPG and RTS genre. Gem of my youth!
Excellent game, I have both Rage of Mages games on CD, but would like to see them offered here.
Great RPG-Strategy. Really cool classic!
This was a really fun game and really had something going for it. Loved the itemization part, and the way fights were handled too. Good old game (even if not the best around).
Yes please! Me and brothers used to spend countless of hours playing this multiplayer.
i've been looking for these for ages... yes bring em on!!!
I totally love the huge amount of armory, weapons etc. and that the opponents and the loot rises with your own Character Level.
I also loved this series, looking forward to buying it on GoG when it's available.
I love this series... and I guarantee that if GOG ever puts Rage of Mages 1 &/or 2 up for sale, I have at LEAST 10 people ready and willing to buy haha. I have both games on CD and would gladly support GOG in making these available to the masses.
It does work on moden windows just not the best, it would be nice to see this and 2 on GoG
YES; totally seconded. I bought this CD years ago, and still have it. However, like Get Medieval, I doubt it would work under modern versions of Windows.
Badly need this game on GoG as it is near impossible to get by any legit or unlegit ways these days.
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