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Always wanted to play this game.
Please, yes! <3
please make it happen GOG <3
(the same with snatcher)
I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)
Voting and commenting despite the unlikelihood that this will ever happen, or occur to players' satisfaction due to the translation, version, and porting mess.
Worked on a PC-9821 which was actually an Intel 80386SX. Only problem: the PSOne version was translated, the original PC version not.
I think, there is no chance for a real PC version in english. But who know's?
"The Next Generation of Snatcher" - if only we could get the PSone version a PC version with full mouse support with the fan translation. It would easily be the most accessible and definitive version of the game. Plus it would be the first time this game would be available in English. Aw well, hopefully a day like that comes...
The English translation patch can be found here:
Would be nice to make a deal with both Konami and the fan translators to bring this awesome game to Would be the first time this game sees an overseas release.
A transleated version would be great. I know it exists on the web somewhere.
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