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Panzer General III: Scorched Earth
We need this game
It would be great to have PGIII: SE on GoG
Simply: if Lula GOG possible = PG SE Win 10 GOG possible.
1 +
Scorched Erath please!!!!
Pretty please with sugar on top my body lusts for PG3
I also vote to add PGIII: SE
Still waiting for Panzer General 3: Scorched Earth! Please!!
count me as another customer that will pay forPanzer General 3 Scorched Earth!
Good day everyone :). Please, a new version of Panzer General III Scortched Earth and maybe a french version ? :D
Add Panzer General 3 Scorched Earth pleaseeeee!
Add scorched Earth please.
More panzer general
GOG, please complete the series. Would love to play this oldie but a goodie!
Another request by me! Please add this great game to your offerings!!!
For the love of god, please add this game to your store! What will it take? You want $500 to do it? I will personally pay for it.
I'd love to complete the 3d panzer general series.
Please add this game, already have PG3D will add PG3SE in a heart beat
Looking forward to getting a copy of this. Please GOG
So let it be written. So let it be done.
New year, new request - pls add this gem!!
Well, its been a year since my last request so its time again. Please GoG this is the game I most want, please!
Please do this game to complete the PZIII collection
We need this beauty!
Panzer General SE belongs here!!
Please add it!! Great game
We want PG Scorched Earth now!
Dear GoG, I dont understand why Panzer General III: Scorched Earth is still not offered - as Panzer General 3D Assault ?
Please add panzer general III scorched earth
I love the series and would love to see this game added so i could purchase it
I know this game is a long shot but please!!!
Panzer General III: Scorched Earth - pretty please !
My favorite Games as childhood :O
Plz add to complete the panzer general collection
Panzer General III: Scorched Earth is better than Panzer General III...
please add this to GOG
Please make it available but also add a way to play in a window as it will look like a dog's dinner on my 32" 4K monitor otherwise.
Why is this game missing from GOG?
Yes, lease offer Scorched Earth to complete PG series.
I still really want this game for modern machines. You have 3D Assault surely this one cant be to hard
I honestly never heard of this game until today but I've loved every other game in the series so I'll get it and any of the others you release.
GOG doesnt care anymore get over, I have.
Scorched Earth is ok.
I still have my old game CD from 2000, but it sadly won't work on W10. If GOG would make it, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Please make PG:SE available! I spent so many hours playing it before and would love to play it again
No "Scorched Earth" yet??
62 comments about this wish