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Panzer General
Im Waiting too...
yes +1
A functional version (with the voice) of PG windows would be a day one purchase for me.
I did a search on google and this was the first hit. Make it so, GoG.
Lets do it!
Come on!
There is something wrong in the world when this classic is not available. Make it so GOG!
I would buy this immediately.
Love the game (although I played PG2 more) and I'd pay to play it again.
I have this game running on Windows 7 using an emulator but wish I had it for windows 10. I've never had Allied General but would be willing to pay well for that too.
Idea for GOG sales stuff:
Panzer General Gold Edition: Panzer General + Panzer General 2 = 9,99€
Still waiting for this gem! Come on GOG!
Why isnt this in yet.
I started playing the original panzer/allied general on play station 1 when working in France in 1994, I know I'm old (LOL) anyway this game as always been my number one best every and still enjoy playing, and often think off the 1st days before the mainstream adoption when I was lucky to be the one of 1st to own a PlayStation 1
So, it's nostalgia o'clock! Spent a lot of summers playing this over and over again. I revisit it from time to time thanks to torrent downloads and DOSBox. Would definitely buy it if it ever came in GOG.
My favorite of the whole series. Please add it and I will buy it .
I never thought I'd see the day when it was easier to get a copy of Chrono Trigger than Panzer General 1. Please, release PG on GOG!
Why is Fantasy General 1 on GoG and not the original Panzer General?!?!?
We NEED this game.
I spent the whole damn 1996 playing PG1, I think I could play a few more minutes in the 21st century
Simply the best PG series game
It was a groundbreaking game when it came out. I'm not good at finishing games, but I finished that one. I would love to play it again!
Still nothing? Me and my dad really really would like to buy and play it.
First day purchase imo. Just a great old game, for sure!
The original *general we want it, please GOG...
I only played the inferior PSX version would love to have this game on GOG
Great game in a great series of games from when a lot of us where growing up.
I think my original disc is no longer playable or compatible with my windows PC. Definitely want this and preserve for years to come!
Best Game....go go |GOG| .... release game please
I am playing with Fantasy General and I love it I am sure I would laike Panzer general the same way
I'm sure that Panzer General will become a best seller inmediately.
I don't underestand why Panzer General is not on GOG. Where's the problem?
I'd love to see Panzer General and Allied General here. True classics and a worthwhile addition to GOG's catalog.
I've played lots of PzG 2 and only played the first one a few times many years ago, but I would love to be able to revisit it since I remember enjoying a lot.
A truly beautifully crafted hex-based strategy game. Not overly complicated either. The GUI is also sublime.
Best game ever bar none. Please, please, please reease this one.
Panzer General is the very definition of a good old game!
Please, Please, Please
One of the best games ever.
Still cannot believe we do not have this with over 1000 votes.
Panzer General a legjobb második világháborús stratégiai játék!
Panzer General the BEST! since 1994 !!!!!
Dear GOG team,
how long must we wait till this classic will be released? Pacific General and Panzer General 2 are already out, so please, do not let us hunger for epic game! :)
::Stomps wildly about pouting and whining like a spoiled child:: I want my Pz 1!
PzG is an all-time favorite, I would buy it instantly if added.
My father in law is a nut for this game. As a good husband, I did my wife this favor by upvoting It also benefits me, because now my father in law would no longer call to ask how to get DosBox to work with his sound card or some such nonsense. Please, take his money!
My favorite of all the Panzer general games. Please take my money for it
This is probably the best PG game, please, let me give you money for it!
62 comments about this wish