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Soooo need to play this again
as a kid I liked this game, would be nice to be able to get it again
Well, my comment aged like milk....knowing Epic now, we'll never get it
I used to play this a lot when I was a kid and I actually beat it multiple times back then. I don't think getting it here would be hard, Epic aren't known to be stingy with their licences AFAIK
I loved this game. Originally I was introduced to it at Radio Shack where they had it running as a demo on one of their Tandy PCs and I enjoyed playing it so much that I bought a copy. Despite the fact that it used EGA graphics in time when EGA was all but dead, I still thought it looked pretty good. The music holds some nostalgia for me but is otherwise unremarkable and the sound effects are purely PC speaker.
It's basically Xenon 2 with worse graphics and worse music, but lots of fun.
By Tech-Noir Productions/Epic Megagames/Precision Software Publishing from 1992. Always suffered from poor controls (keyboard and rarely did gamepad support work it seems) and sound issues. (pc speaker mixed with sound card together which is strange and hard to set up properly sometimes) Fix all that, make it windows 7 compatible and you have an R-Type-like real gem that would shine for SHMUP fans. music was absolutely stunning. (listen to some of the other tracks after the first one) happens to be Epic's first vertical shooter.
Overkill seems to be released under the Creative Commons NoDerivs license ( Maybe GOG can work something out to also add it for free in their games library?
Oh and trough that wiki lin,k you can also find the website which offers the full version as a free download.
This game was fun. I only ever played the Shareware version though.
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