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Would be sooo cool to play it again
Used to love the dynamics in this game, using a vampire to steal a robot builder to have both races in custom games was my favroite.
really would love to be able to play this game again
Totally would buy.
Developers contact info:
would buy
Honestly can you hurry and add outlive to GOG. it already works fine with windows 10 and is a rare gem. they literally have this on their website "Serious companies and/or entrepreneurs, who share the philosophy created by Continuum and who have an interest and means to continue the company's legacy, can establish a direct dialogue with Continuum's partners through the". just smack them an email for the boys xx
Good game
This game was unjustly bashed by reviewers at the time as a "Starcraft" rip-off. While the game isn't as groundbreaking as other games of the era, it's much more than a simple rehash of Starcraft (much less, I think, than e.g. Submarine Titans). It offers an expansive tech tree, interesting automation and quite amusing voice tracks.
The game runs well on Windows 10, as such bringing into fold isn't a very big labour cost.
Historically it's an important game for the fact that it was the first high budget game produced in Brazil.
It's a good, old game.
i would buy it on gog. it is an interesting game but, it needs some bug fixes like the research too expensive error showing up when research is not too expensive.
It was my favourite game in the childhood!
Hey GOG, add this game to your library!
Would really like to play this again, make it happen GOG!
Quite a good game, with giant research trees for units and structures and two completely distinct races to play. Also, has a lengthy campaign. I miss it.
Pretty good C&C / StarCraft like gem that would be a just as good addition to GOG :)
Oh man, I would love to have it back with widescreen, but the map maker was a lot of fun as well! I'd love to finally create some maps without lowering resolution and working with such a tiny space.
That game is so epic! Please add this game on GOG :)
Bring on the first brazilian AAA game!
This is old... i played year and year ago. Very Nice rts.
Muito bom. Sempre procuro por ele.
The developers and their contact info:
+1 for Outlive. Windowed mode enough for me. But widescreen will be good.
Certain features of this game I would KILL for in Newer games. For Example, an ability to give a set of patrol points to a Factory/Barracks, which any units by the building would then follow.
One of the few Brazilian games to have worldwide distribution and recognition. For sure a hidden gem! (if it ever gets released here, please make sure to also release the Portuguese language version)
Decent RTS that deserves its spot on GOG
AWESOME! FAVORITE RTS! Just fix the Multiplayer and add Widescreen!
I original purchased this title as part of a strategy pack, specifically for one of the other titles in the pack, but this one quickly became my favorite. Everyone should try out this title! I highly recommend it!
This is really an awesome game with some advantages over the classic Starcraft. Though largely overlooked, it has an interesting campaign and and unique research system. I would love to see it available on GOG!
A great RTS title and a very good brazilian game to date! With graphics remembering Starcraft and Dark Colony!
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