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One Must Fall 2097
Would love to have this and Battlegrounds through GOG.
C'mon GoG! Just ping Rob Elam and keep your fingers crossed. And don't forget to give us OMF: Battlegrounds as well!
I want this so much!
Go GOG! Do you work.
Once it's freeware it's freeware, provided there's a legitimate first hand (or even a legitimate mirror) to use to get it (so that you're quite sure those who held rights back then and made it free did not change their idea..and I even doubt they can easily do this in practice and make a court acknowledge this once an original software version is out in the net).
GOG should feature this in the catalog since it's historical and stands the test of time quite well. They could contact the original devs (for example, him:, the original publishers, this guy who appears to be a great fan and maybe in contact with the devs/the broad fan community ( or even
the open source remakers (with a new codebase, as the code nor the art, to my knowledge, are not open-source but "only" free: )
They have the ingredients, even the extras, thanks to the efforts of decades of passionate gaming. GOG, please offer this old game another chance to be known (it's one of your missions after all..)
I'm going to have disagree with most of you here. If GoG took on this game and made it free to download & play, I'd be fine with it. However, if GoG madepeople pay for it, then websites such as can no longer let people get the game for free. It's "The Law", not that Laws & Rights truly exist outside in the real world to begin with; they're just man made-up garbage to make others think they can impose their will onto others. Anyway....I digress.
What's ironic is it's already "easily accessible" to you in the first place. All you have to do is run it in DosBox and set it up the way you want with the program. All GoG would be doing is a 2- minute job for you because you're too lazy to do it yourselves and don't wanna feel inconvenienced. It's not that complicated and doesn't take much time to do yourselves.
Also...just to let you know, there's already a downloadable (free) version that doesn't involve Dosbox or DOS programming on the internet. Ihonestly hope GoG never wastes their time making this game non-free. Not that I'd pay for a game that's less than 8 megabytes.
Anyhoo...big fat NO from me. There's plenty of legit free websites you can download it. Honestly I just don't see what the point would be to make people pay for it.
I know it's freeware, but would love to see it added on GOG, so it could work with for modern systems. Played the demo back in the day and would love to play the full game now.
Thought we'd have this by now. Please vote for this, it's the good version of Rise of the Robots. ;)
i need this, too! :)
I know that this game is freeware, but it would be much more convenient to purchase the game from Wouldn't have to worry about configurations, and more importantly, wouldn't have to worry about viruses from sketchy freeware sites.
one must fall 2097 is my no.1 game please
Love This game, played it a lot when I was younger. Would love to see it get added to GOG.
The game is freeware since feb. 10, 1999.
You can Download it leagal from different sources and use it easly in your DOSBox. I Don't see the point why GoG have to get Money for it.
Surely this is an easy one to get permission to add to GoG. When will it finally be added?
Please GOG, add it to your library!! This is an amazing fighting game, one of my favorites in the 90s'.
I too wish for this to be on GOG since it's just so much more convenient than to try and fiddle with the old game files yourself. However, didn't EPIC publish this? Even tho the game is freeware, if GOG sold it for $$$, I think there would be legal troubles with EPIC.
I wholeheartedly support this, and the fact that it's own developers declared it freeware in 1999
strips it of any potential legal headaches. That was awfully generous of them, running it under DOSBox would be the simpler way.
But if it was up to me. I'd contact the people behind OpenOMF to see if they'd be fine with their work to be part of a GOG release.
Please add this gem. I've got so many good memories playing this when I was a kid. Thank you.
Omg I love this game, I'd love to pay 10-15$ to play this game aswell. That soundtrack is outstanding.
I'd be willing to pay ten or fifteen bucks to be able to play this through GOG galaxy. Loved this one and id love to see it available here.
How long must we wait to get a Remake of this Game? ^^
This Awesome Game doesn't deserve to be free. It's one of the Best Beat'em Up Games ever.
It's freeware now, but it would be nice to have here for the buzz. It would be wonderful to see a remake coming or something like that and to be here would make more people know this hidden gem.
I want this back with music and everything working perfectly too.
I miss this game alot
Another vote for it to make a grand entrance onto GOG. Cheers!
Please add this game! One of my childhood favorites. Would love to see on Mac.
My dad and my older brother played this game back in the late 1990s with Windows 98. I want them to get it and we'll pay for it!
I remember this game and it was one of my favorites! just today the soundtrack hit me, and I wanna play this again!
I would absolutely buy this game without hesitation. One of the best fighting games ever made that was at least a decade ahead of its time with its tournament mode allowing deep customization of mechs.
This is still one of my favorite games!! It would definitely be an instant buy!
So much of the Epic Megagames library is up here already. Make it happen guys.
it'd be great to have this classic readily accessible and runnable, especially as it ties in to GOG games Tyrian and Jazz Jackrabbit. might be fun to have OMF Battlegrounds alongside it!
If this game had been published on either Sega or Nintendo during its time, people would have been like, "Mortal-Com-who?" and been completely serious. If this isn't credential for a classic, I don't know what is.
Yes please. Even though it's freeware now, i'd still pay a small price to support the developers.
It's great that GOG added Jazz Jackrabbit to their store. Now could you PLEASE follow through with another Epic MegaGames classic and add One Must Fall 2097? It has been made freeware so licensing shouldn't be a problem. I just think it would be a great idea to see it added to the store.
Would love to see it made more readily accessible, even though it is Freeware...
This would be an instant buy for me. This was the game of the summer for me way-back-when. I think I wore a joypad out with it!
Here's to hoping Epic brings this here with the recent releases they just brought. I love this game. :)
Now would be the perfect time to add this to GOG's catalogue, what with the recent releases of Jazz Jackrabbit and Epic Pinball!
With all these votes, I'd like to see it show up as a free title.
do et
C'mon, we NEED this game!!!
Had a hankering to play this, and was actually surprised it's not on GOG. I'd love to see it vetted and put up here.
I would imagine the bulk of people understand that copyright is an issue. I mean, that's primarily what GOG does, right? The game itself already runs easily in Dosbox so it shouldn't be too much of a technical challenge.
Kenny Chou really blew the soundtrack out of the water in my opinion. From the moment I first heard the intro theme I knew I was hooked.
Please! I listen to the soundtrack at least once a month.
You guys do realize that this game is copyrighted by someone, right? They can't just offer a game on their site because it's freeware.
Best fighting pc game EVER !
PLEASE YES! OMF97 Literally the game of my childhood , such a great game.
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