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Nitemare 3D
You can buy the full game on the developers official website. BUT I would love to see this game on GOG as well!!!!!!
Nitemare 3D belongs here! As the other Hugos already are!
Bump, this game might not be the best out there, but it's still a piece of videogame history!
Halloween is coming soon. It'd be nice to buy this for Halloween!!
There's a Windows version of Nitemare 3D. GOG could include thaqt. David Gray would need to update it, though.
Been playing through Catacomb, and Blake Stone, and remembered I had the shareware version of this as a kid. I'd absolutely shell out some cash to play the whole thing again from GOG.
I wonder if the reason why its not included yet, is because in dosbox it seems to have issues where it flickers in the lower half of the screen, and black bars appear from time to time. I don't know if it can be tweaked to run correctly or not...
The windows version in dosbox with windows 3.2 assuming you can even install it (the original installed files for latest version don't seem to function correctly in dosbox win3.1, or even under PCem 95, but do function under real win 95). But if you can get an earlier version of the game 1.6 windows, it installs fine and plays smoothly with no noticeably graphical glitches from what I could see... You can even merge the level data from the later release, from a 1.6 install. This seems to change the version number to 1.10.
Please! I only ever played the shareware trail of the game. I'd love to see what happens beyond the first level.
BUMP! This game belongs here. Both the DOS and the Win 3.x Version. But yes, would prefer the original Sprites. Not the later 3D looking ones. The comic look of the original sprites is a lot more charming and appropriate to the game. I always loved the sweet atmosphere of the game, the lovely level design, the amazingly fitting soundtrack and the whole presentation. That is a game that belongs on GOG in a version that runs on modern systems (Linux version is a must).
Definitely belongs here on GOG, though!
This one was pretty interesting. The excellent level design in the first episode managed to overcome the game's other shortcomings (e.g. the graphics, which were unimpressive even for 1994). Unfortunately, the level design in the second and third episodes was not nearly as good and by the end the game got quite boring and repetitive.
I just came across screenshots of the first Hugo game and was like "What is that!?!? I know that game!", which led me here. I found out the name of the game, googled it, and found a link to with what had apparently turned out to be a trilogy. I bought it immediately and now I'm reliving my childhood again. Wikipedia mentioned this game as the fourth and final game in the series so now I need to buy it lol. Come on GOG, we need you!
It is worth to buy for $ 12 Whole Nitemare 3D content or wait for GOG version?
I actually bought the full version from David Gray at one point, but I'd be happy to get it on GoG too. Creepy-cute fps with lots of secrets to discover!
I would prefer it to be the 1.2 version because the 3d sprites were terrible.
This brings back so many memories, I remember playing this as a kid, never knew what I was doing, playing the DEMO of it, on Floppy Disk, and this would be great to have on here, even just for nostalgia
Ugh there are soo many games that I used to play but are so hard to find now days! This would be a nice addition to my collection.
I actually emailed David Gray about this a couple years ago, and this is what he said: "I did already contact GOG and we did discuss it along with the Hugo games which they were more interested in but it kind of fizzled out as they were in the middle of a major reorganization at the time and I didn't pursue it."
So, yeah, they were in talks about this at one time, and neither party ever said no. They need to get on this!
I remember picking up the demo of this game, oddly enough, inside an OMSI giftshop in the '90s. I was expecting a lame attempt at a cash grab for the Doom era but I was really surprised by the incredible spooky atmosphere, varied secrets and sound game design (oh and the music is great too). This game definitely needs a rerelease through GoG because I never got to complete the whole thing. It goes right along with other GoG titles like "Blakestone".
Incase anyone is interested on this game, here's a video review that might help:
Yeah, this was one of my early experiences for FPS games. I'm with you with this one, Tanash.
Man I used to love this game as a kid, but at the time it also scared the crap out of me :P, would love to play this today as a 28 Y.o as opposed to 9-10 or so at the time of release, classic!
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