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Mig Alley
Lots of comments about this game not working on modern systems. If you run Lutris, you can not only run it, but you can emulate a 3dfx board in it as well. Lutris is only on Linux though.
If you are unaware, Linux pretty much runs any modern or old Windows game. The few exceptions are usually revolve around DRM. An example of that us PUBG which thinks you are cheating if you are running an Linux OS when you are not. With the release of Steam Deck, I am fairly confident Devs like this will fix their game to accommodate Linux as Steam Deck is running Linux.
I've been into flight sims since 1998, when I first bought Red Baron 2. In the intervening years I've bought just about every prop flight sim out there. Currently fly IL-2 Great Battles, Rise of Flight and WOFF. But of all the games I've had, RB3D, EAW and MiG Alley are my favourites. I've recently bought from GoG the Red Baron Pack and EAW. Now if only GoG brought out a version of MiG Alley. I flew MiG Alley for years. Mastered the campaign mode thank to DBond's tutorials. It is a classic, with arguably the best campaigns of any sim - although admittedly it can be difficult to master.
Add me to the list. My brother and I loved this game and I'd buy a Win 10 compatible version in a heartbeat!
My guess is that they either can't find the license owner or it is just too much work to make it run on modern systems.
If ever there was a game that needed the GOG treatment... this game is completely, totally unplayable on any modern computer even if you know what you’re doing and love tinkering. GOG, please help!
I would have to agree with the consensus already expressed in that it is an excellent flight sim, and would help round out GOG's catalog as there are not many flight sims in it. I know it can be done, there is a site called Old Games that has released it, but not with anywhere near the polish and attention to detail GOG is known for. I'd happily buy it from GOG if they could get it.
2018 shoul be the year!. Come on!
Well.. If this sim would be work well on win8/10 by GOG, it deserves to be called kind of miracle, I think. However, I still have a hope GOG makes the game playable.
Favorite jet flight sim.
GOG really needs to get this in the catalog.
Well after seeing the FALCON series published which gathered less votes and which was probably much more difficult to integrate than Mig Alley I would say ... GOG what are you waiting for ?!?!? :-)
+1, True classic and unique combat flight sim.
Perfect game for GOG, we need more flight sims and this one is outstanding!
super choice for a gog sim. game still holds it's own but can be wobbly on new systems so a great candidate for gog 'tweaks'.
OHh this game was AWESOME, played it everyday back in the day!! I just bought a CD of this last week and wouldn't you know the darn thing was all scratched up so it only downloads to 74% then stops!!!! PLEASE GoG carry this title please!!!!
I'd love to see this and the entire Rowan catalog on GOG (maybe especially Dawn Patrol and Flight of the Intruder)
This needs to be DONE!
I have a still sealed boxed copy that I never got around to playing, would love to get this on GoG instead.
we need this game
GoG needs more flight sims, and there really couldn't be a better place to start. F-86 vs MiG 15 does it get better?
Where are all the wargamers on GOG? They really should vote for this one!
MiG Alley is a classic flight sim that's a bear to get running on modern machines -- BUT the source code is out there. Looks like a no-brainer for the bright lads at GoG to obtain and fix up!
It was running nicely until a certain Nvidia driver totally porked the graphics in game. Hasn't worked since. Not sure a GOG edition can fix this but it would be great!
One of my favorite flight sims, but have been unable to play it for years as it just doesnt want to work for me anymore.
I had this. Good sim!
best (and only) flight sim for the korean war
26 comments about this wish