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Matrix Path of Neo
Wake up GOG, the matrix has you...
Ein Spiel was ich damals gerne gezockt habe, hoffentlich kommt das mal bei GoG rein.
Obowiązkowo <3
Bring it. it's due time.
please <3
This and Enter the Matrix would be good to see on here.
Please add this game i want to play it.
Jestem jak najbardziej na tak , tym bardziej że nie dawno pojawił się Matrix: Zmartwychwstania, myślę że GOG zrobił by dobry krok wstawiając tę grę
Т.к. вышел 4й фильм, и он, по ряду причин не удачен. Я с удовольствем пересмотрел 2 и 3ю Матрицу и решил перепройти Path Of The Neo. Хотелось бы или ремастер или, полноценный ремейк!
Would absolutely buy this day-one if it would come to gog.
I said it on the "Enter The Matrix" wish, I'll say it again: hype up the movie by bringing this one to the store! TAKE THE RED PILL!
This good game need remaster version
Another movie is coming, bring this back!
They should release this along with enter the matrix with the hype surrounding the new film!
Dear GOG, as the releases of The Matrix Resurrections draws near - now it is the best time to ReRelease Enter The Matrix and also The Matrix Path of Neo. Please do this ASAP because my wallet is HOT
best game .
add please :>
please add
Please bring this game and my memories.
I have tried purchasing a PS2 and this game and have had issues for one reason or another. As it is nigh superfluous to own a console of any age for one game, I would love and appreciate GoG bringing BOTH Matrix video games to PC. I don't care if I need to perform an awkward compatibility mode workaround to get it running--I just want it running! Please and, however prematurely, thank-you. P.S. My priority is 'Path of Neo,' then 'Enter the Matrix.'
Please make it happen!
It would be awesome to have Enter the Matrix too!
Крутая игра хотел бы увидеть в магазине
Would buy at any cost, please release here - Path of Neo and Enter the Matrix
Played it on the PS2 years ago, I wish I could go back and give it a go, but it doesn't seem to be findable on PC anymore
Yes please make it happen GoG.
Would love to have this.
This was THE game for me, back in the day. I'd lovr to have it here on GoG!
I can't wait to see re-release of this pc game.
Can't find any place to buy this for PC.
I adore this game, and I lost the old disc for it... I promise I will buy it from you immediately if it goes in the collection!
Would love to get this on gog
Matrix should come Back
!!! Make it Public !!!
Would love to play this again. :)
Was looking for this game, it'll be better with a digital version.
Please Please Please give us The Matrix Path of Neo
This would be a good addition
This was a seriously awesome game, and definitely my favourite out of the view games there were. Would really like to own it on PC so that I could play it again!
That would be neat... some aerial Kung -Fu in a trenchcoat sets me on fire! +Voted... :)
43 comments about this wish